I’m a Professional Disney Adult. Here Are 8 Things I Won’t Be Wasting Money on at Disney World in 2025.

Hey there, Disney fans! You may have heard us say this before: a trip to Disney World is magical, but it’s also expensive.


As someone who has spent more time in the parks than I care to admit (Hi! Professional Disney Adult status achieved here.), I’ve learned what’s worth splurging on and what’s better left behind. In 2025, I’m keeping my wallet closed for a few things at Disney World, and not because they’re not great – but because I’ve had to make some hard choices for the sake of my bank account and my sanity. Let’s dive into the list!

Bubble Wands

Look, bubble wands are adorable. They light up, they make bubbles, and they’re practically kid magnets. But at around $30 a pop, they’re just not worth it to me.

Bubble Wands

Those bubbles will only last as long as the solution does, and once you’re out of the parks, you’ll probably forget you even have it. Plus, every time I see kids wielding them in crowds, I’m reminded of how sticky my shoes get dodging stray bubble soap. Hard pass.


The Mickey balloons are iconic, and yes, they make for a great Instagram moment.

Magic Kingdom Balloons

But here’s the deal: you can’t take them everywhere. If you’re heading to Disney’s Animal Kingdom or staying at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge, you’ll have to leave them behind due to animal safety rules.

Animal Kingdom Lodge

And what about once you get home? Well, they’re cute for a few days before they deflate and leave you with a very expensive souvenir that doesn’t exactly spark that much joy anymore.

Lightning Lanes

This one might be controversial, but hear me out. I’m not wasting money on individual Lightning Lanes.

Lightning Lane at Expedition Everest

Instead, I’m sticking to my tried-and-true strategies like rope-dropping first thing in the morning or hitting my favorite attractions right before park close.

Basically empty

Sure, you might have to hustle a bit, but I’d rather save the money for something else. Sometimes, timing is everything!

Disney Mugs

If you’ve been to Disney World, you’ve probably seen their mugs, which are admitted cute, themed, and everywhere!

Disney mugs

And listen, I love a good coffee mug as much as the next person, but I’ve already got, oh, I don’t know, SEVENTEEN of them at home. Do I need another mug that will inevitably make me question my cabinet space? Absolutely not.

Stitch Mug

I’ve officially hit my mug limit. If you’re stronger than me, power to you, but this is where I have to draw the line.

Character Meals

Don’t get me wrong. I adore Disney characters! But when it comes to dining, I’m more interested in the food than meeting Mickey while trying to cut into my waffle.

Safari Mickey at Tusker House

Character meals are pricey, and while they’re great for families or first-timers, I’d rather spend my money on a non-character meal where I can enjoy top-notch food without interruption.

Merch I Can Get Online

Disney merch is everywhere in the parks, and it’s so easy to impulse buy a cute t-shirt or pair of ears. But here’s the thing: a lot of that merch is available online, sometimes with discounts.


Plus, if I buy it online, I don’t have to lug it around the parks or worry about it taking up precious suitcase space. Sounds like convenience for the win!

Minnie Vans

Minnie Vans are adorable and fun, but let’s talk about the price tag.

Minnie Van Pick up

These rides start around $40 for a one-way trip, and while they’re great in a pinch, I can’t justify spending that when Disney’s buses, Skyliner, and monorail are free and work perfectly well. I’ll be saving that Minnie Van money for at least a Dole Whip or two!


Pins are cute, collectible, and are a huge part of Disney culture, but, unfortunately, they’re just not for me.

Disney pins

Since I don’t do pin trading, spending $15–$20 on a single pin feels unnecessary when I could be putting that money toward a churro or a Mickey-shaped pretzel. If you’re a pin collector, I get it, but I’ll leave this hobby to the pros.

The Bottom Line

Disney World is all about making memories, and you don’t have to spend money on everything to have a magical time. While bubble wands and Minnie Vans might not make it into my budget, there are so many other ways to enjoy the parks without feeling like you’re missing out. At the end of the day, it’s all about prioritizing what makes your trip special.

Disney’s Animal Kingdom

In the meantime, be sure to stay tuned with us at AllEars as we bring you all the latest updates from Disney!

Your 2025 Disney World Trip Is Going To Look DIFFERENT — But Not for the Reason You Think

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8 Replies to “I’m a Professional Disney Adult. Here Are 8 Things I Won’t Be Wasting Money on at Disney World in 2025.”

  1. Lighting Lanes are a waste of money if you have a phone and track wait times. Never missed an attraction wanted to see, even stopping at Tom Sawyer’s Island for an hour for relaxation time. If you’re a family going for the first time and budgeted money for them, sure do it. But it’s a no go for vets.

  2. I buy pins in bulk online, and just love to hand them out to kids, and a few deserving adults. It just adds a bit more magic to their day. I try to stick to giving out ones with recognizable characters, princesses to girls and pirates to boys, etc. And I trade the ones that don’t look like much for basic Disney character pins from the trading boards. I wear a waist bag with several sections for each of these pin types, tradeable, boys, and girls.

  3. I’ve recently started collecting pins so it’s almost what I buy the most hehe and I’m from a country where the Disney store doesn’t ship so I have to buy my souvenirs there. I don’t have any t shirt so I may buy one next time, I’m more of a spirit jersey person

  4. Sorry but we love character meals. Mainly Snow White at Artist Point, Mickey at the Land in Epcot & Minnie at Cape May. Agree on the other items. I have more pins than I know what to do with.

  5. I have never paid for any of these for myself or my children OR my grandchildren and never will
    Unfortunately the meals take most of my $ and I pack snacks & drinks
    And let’s not forget the increase of tickets EVERY year
    Disney has a giant plank in their eyes

  6. Wow. I could have written this article. My only exception is that I do buy one pin for each visit, dated or festival related. And I don’t buy tee shirts anymore, either

  7. My family buys a Ballon each time we go with my sister, we tie it to her wheelchair that way we can easily find her.