Reviews of Frontierland — WDW
Reviewed by FishinGoofy Review Date: 09/15/2021
Rating: (5) Not Recommended
The theming of this land is truly awesome but doesn't do it for me. There's not a lot here as far as rides for people who don't want a thrill attraction. All in all not really my favorite.
Has 2 thrill rides and not a whole lot else.Reviewed by Fisher55 Review Date: 08/23/2021
Rating: (9) Recommended
Incredible rides, outstanding theming, and great food locations
It has Splash Mountain, Bug Thunder Railroad, and Pecos Bills. Also great themingCons:
Can get bottle necked quite easilyReviewed by Alannadale Review Date: 07/19/2021
Rating: (10) Recommended
I love shows that make me laugh so I love the country bear jamboree. That show never gets old. Splash Mountain is great, I think I like the boat ride more than the actual drop. Big thunder Mountain is always fun to ride. I also like going over to Tom Sawyer Island, but this is not a priority and the restaurant on TSI has never been open when I'm there. I like going on the Frontier Trading Post, I collect pins and they have a good selection.
Fun rides and shows. I love the western themeCons:
Would like to see an update to the shooting gallery.Reviewed by tjtarbox Review Date: 07/19/2021
Rating: (10) Recommended
Frontierland has a very immersive feel to it. The theming is so on point that there is no question as to which land you’re in. The attractions fit very well within the theme, as does the primary dining location; “Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Café”. It also houses two of the three “mountains” within Magic Kingdom.
One of our family’s favorite rides is Splash Mountain. This is a MUST do for us, during every visit. We also thoroughly enjoy the “wildest ride in the wilderness” Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.
Our visit to Frontierland is never complete without stopping into the Country Bear Jamboree. This is a classic attraction that is fun for the whole family. It’s also our favorite spot to catch the parades/cavalcades, as it’s less crowded than the plaza.
Great theming throughout, easy to navigate, seldom overcrowdedCons:
NoneReviewed by AndreaJ29 Review Date: 07/18/2021
Rating: (8) Recommended
Frontierland is a great place to start your day at the Magic Kingdom. It is always the land I head to at rope drop because it has two popular thrill attractions: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and Splash Mountain! The land is themed to the old Wild West and houses thrill attractions, an animatronic stage show (The Country Bear Jamboree), a giant space for kids to play and explore (Tom Sawyer’s Island), and one of the only quick service restaurants that is worth visiting in Magic Kingdom. Pecos Bill’s has family friendly meals which you can customize with a variety of toppings from their toppings bar. The restaurant is large, but does get busy during lunch hours. While I do love Frontierland, there isn’t much for younger kids to do there. The Country Bear Jamboree is not loved by all kids, and Tom Sawyer’s Island can be a hassle to get to since you have to take a raft. However, this will definitely be a family favorite if you have older kids looking for thrills and excitement.
Two of the three “mountains” are found here. Pecos Bill’s is one of the best quick service restaurants in Magic Kingdom.Cons:
There are only two ride attractions here. Both have height requirements and do not cater to all guests.Reviewed by Disneygoof Review Date: 07/18/2021
Rating: (9) Recommended
I love the wild west them land. It was one of the lands that stuck with me from my first visit to Disney 🌍. Especially the shooting arcade and country bear jamboree. Like everything else Disney does its attention to detail is outstanding
The theming is on point!Cons:
Afraid of how princess and the frog will fight inReviewed by WeFourLoveDis Review Date: 07/18/2021
Rating: (8) Recommended
Frontierland is cute! We do love the two major rides, Splash Mountain & Big Thunder. On our most recent trip last week, we finally took our kids to explore Tom Sawyer Island and they loved the Fort Area over there. Of all the years we have visited WDW, we had never gone that far. It was a new hit for us. We do love Pecos Bill Cafe. However, we have lived near Silver Dollar City our entire lives, which is an entire theme park themed to the Frontier times, so Frontierland has never wowed us like the other lands. We do wish they would do something great with the Diamond Horseshoe building!
-Splash Mountain -Big Thunder Mountain -Tom Sawyer Island -Theming is cute -Pecos BillCons:
-Diamond Horseshoe could be something much betterReviewed by Pookie99 Review Date: 07/18/2021
Rating: (9) Recommended
I love this land. The country bear jamboree is so iconic and beloved. I remember seeing this as a kid and clapping to the music. Now as an adult I understand the jokes and love it even more. Just seeing the bears makes my day. This land is so peaceful and rustic. Brings back great memories.
Relaxing, playful and entertainmentCons:
Under appreciatedReviewed by MelisaBarron Review Date: 07/18/2021
Rating: (9) Recommended
Love the theming of this land, it has lots of great details. LOVE that it has great attractions like Big Thunder Railroad and Splash Mountain. Plus the Country Bear Jamboree is here, and this is a must see show in my book. The food options aren’t great, they could use a little more locations.
Attractions and ThemeCons:
Food OptionsReviewed by Lizzie Review Date: 07/18/2021
Rating: (7) Recommended
I really enjoy Frontierland, but I do wish the areas were less crowded, and easier to walk in. I find that this land is the hardest to navigate, being that there are many tight spaces, especially right in front of dining spots, were you might be waiting for a long time. However, I LOVE Spalsh Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain, so those are definitely pros for this land. It has the perfect variety of attractions. Two thrill rides, one show (Country Bear Jamboree), and one relaxing part to do in your free time, or maybe when you are waiting for a reservation (Tom Sawyer Island).