6 Clues About the NEW Monsters, Inc. Land Coming to Disney’s Hollywood Studios

We know a lot of us are still trying to wrap our heads around the fact that Muppets Courtyard will likely be extinct in Disney World sometime within the next few years, but we’re pushing past our sadness and are trying to look ahead to the new Monsters, Inc. Land!

We’ll be saying goodbye soon

Disney released new concept art of the new land earlier this week when they announced that Monsters, Inc. Land will be taking the place of Muppets Courtyard, and we’re deep diving into the news to really see ALL those little details!

Before we pick it apart, let’s look at the concept art as a whole first because there’s something we 100% need to mention — it’s clear that this change isn’t just a retheme; it’s an EXPANSION! The new suspended coaster going at the back of the land and the road leading up to it expands further back than Muppets Courtyard currently goes, so we’ll have a little bit more to explore!


Okay, now to dive in, let’s start outside of the land — what are these cars doing here? We’re assuming it’s a way to merge the rest of Grand Avenue in with the new land, but we’re hoping we’ll be able to sit and pose with them (maybe even IN them!) as if we’re monsters on our way to work.


Just inside the land, there’s a statue that looks a little bit like an eye — we’re assuming this will be a fountain that will replace the current Miss Piggy fountain (which we’re hoping to see relocated to the Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster courtyard with the retheme coming).

Eye fountain?

Off to the right, in front of where we know a new show is coming to the existing Muppet*Vision 3D theater, there appears to be ANOTHER car. Judging by its color, we think it may be the car Mike and Sulley almost drive to work before Sulley convinces Mike to walk!

Could this be Mike and Sulley’s car?!

Take a look at this screencap from the film — it looks just like it!


We were wondering what would happen to the PizzeRizzo restaurant, and based on this concept art, it looks like the building is kept fully intact, so we may just have the same restaurant rethemed to Monsters Inc.!

It looks like very little changes!

It’s been years since we’ve seen the Stage 1 Company Store open in Muppets Courtyard, but from this concept art, it seems that the building is still present; it’s just being rethemed. Could we get a Monsters Inc.-themed store here?

We’re hoping for a store here!

And while we’re here, we’re not seeing something that could replace Mama Melrose’s — it’s possible that restaurant may be demolished and replaced with…


HarryHausen’s from the film! Now, this is located on the OPPOSITE side of the street where Mama Melrose’s currently is, and it looks like it’ll be part of the actual land expansion. So it won’t be exactly where the old restaurant was, but it’ll be fantastic if we get to have both Monsters Inc. quick service and table service restaurants here.


While we’re sad we’ll be saying goodbye to Muppets Courtyard, we are really looking forward to seeing this new land come to life!

Be sure to stay tuned to AllEars for the latest Disney World news!

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