Tips about At Large and Kids

We just returned from a GREAT week at WDW. My family and my sister's family took the trip together. We purchased glow sticks from an online auction and carried them with us for night visits to the parks. It was a great way to keep up with five kids, four parents and two grandmothers. We saved money this way because the park glow sticks are very expensive -- especially when everyone wants one for their arms, legs, ears, neck, etc. These were a life saver! - Kelli Brown
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We have a 3-1/2 year-old daughter who is at that toddler stage of learning how to do things for herself. We thought for every time she helps us out by cleaning her room, helping me make her bed, putting on her clothes, (fill your own chore in ), we would give her spare change. She gets to put it in her specially marked coffee can, then when a bit of that change accumulates, we make a trip to our local Disney Store and redeem it for Disney Girt Cards. She is a lot more helpful around the house now! - Stacey Hoover
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We've made "sticker charts" for our three children (ages 11, 8, and 5), and for each chore they do, they earn a sticker. Each sticker is worth a dime and once their charts are full, Mom will count the stickers and trade them in for Disney Dollars. We've posted the charts in the kitchen and they've made it into a competition to see who can earn the most stickers. So now instead of fighting over who HAS to walk the dog, they fight over who GETS to walk the dog and earn a sticker! - Bill and Tina Crane
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We have two infants still in diapers, so when we go to the parks, we make "diaper packages" for each child. We take a gallon Ziploc bag and put in a diaper and a smaller bag Ziploc bag with a couple of wipes. Then we write the name of the child on the outside of each package, since they wear different sizes. When it is time to change one, we just grab a "diaper package" for the right child and head straight for the bathroom without having to search for everything. - Kate from Colorado
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My wife and I have two very rambunctious children -- an 11-year-old son and a 7-year-old daughter. We'll be taking them on their first trip to WDW in November. As a "reward" system for good behavior, as well as some Disney fun, we have created a "Good Point" program. Every week, my wife and I reward the children with a "Good Point" if they behaved well during the week. A good point is nothing more than the WDW 100 Years Icon, printed about 1/4-page size on my color printer, then cut out into little points. At the end of each month, the child with the most Good Points is awarded a "WDW Ride Pick." This is another image (this time Mickey Mouse), which I cut and slip into a trading card holder. They keep these in their travel packs and can use them at the parks to choose the first attraction we go to. We've run this for three months now, with each "Ride Pick" numbered, so #1 can choose the first attraction the first day, #2 the second day, and so on. The kids absolutely love it, and their behavior has improved! We just have to say "Good Point" when they're being a bit wild, or resistant to homework, etc. -- and they suddenly become angelic. Give it a try! - Mark Wilkinson
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For anyone with small children (we have a 5-year-old and a 4-month-old), please, please, please take advantage of the Baby Care Centers available at each park. They are convenient, have all that any parent would need (diapers, changing stations, nursing rooms, cold water), as well as AIR CONDITIONING. They were a great way for us to take mini-breaks, eat snacks or lunch, and chill out before going out again to the parks. - Cosmo and Lis Digneo
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I wanted to share a tip that we stumbled onto during our first trip six years ago when the kids were 11, 11, 8, 8, and 2. It was the 11 day/10 night "Disney 'till you puke" tour. Or so I thought until I got the WDW bug!

Anyhow, about the second day the four older kids started WHINING. You know what I mean: "I don't like that ... Do we have to go there ....he didn't have to ...." You get the picture. Ohmigosh, we were at the funnest place on the planet and they actually found things to whine about! I was stunned. And not about to go through the rest of the vacation with THAT going on. So, with perhaps the only moment of true brilliance I have ever had, I had an idea and the Whine Fine program was born.

It's pretty simple: we gave each kid a little ticket every morning. The ticket said "1 Free Whine". When they whined it would cost them a ticket. If they'd already used their ticket, the whine cost them $1 (of their own hard-earned spending money). If they didn't use the ticket for the day, they would still get a ticket the next day and now would have two free whines coming. Oh yeah, if, at the end of the vacation any of them actually had any tickets left, we paid them $1 for each ticket.

Kids are soooo funny. It took another couple of days for them to really "get" the program, but they did. Although one never really would admit she ever whined and you'd have to pry the ticket out of her hand. Then there was the one who slapped down two tickets AND a dollar so she could blast us about something! And I do believe there was some sort of black market trading going on too. But the rest of our vacation was MUCH more peaceful and relaxing.

And now, just imagine, these same four are all TEENAGERS. What were we thinking??? - Linda Cobb

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We have been to Disney World several times now and have found that a small hand-held, battery-operated game can keep the kids busy during the long wait in the lines for the attractions. These fit nicely into their fanny packs. Every time we were in line for any length of time, they would pull them out and play as the line moved. It keeps them from complaining about the wait and they don't even realize how long they have been standing there. - Rhonda Cotham

I loved the tip about bringing along small electronic games for kids to play, but would like to add a postscript: Please, parents, turn off the sound if the game offers that option! Otherwise, other kids in line will be jealous and make their parents feel guilty for not having thought ahead. There's also the fact that some of your fellow line-standers could be driven quite nuts by the constant beeping of the games. - Richard S. from NJ

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My tip is a simple way of helping the children keep within their spending limits. My two daughters both save well for their WDW trips, but spending their money produces different hazards for each of them. The youngest (12) would spend her savings for the whole two weeks in the first shop she visited; the eldest (16) would still be deciding what to spend it on in the airport going home, worried that she was spending too much, too soon!

To overcome their separate *difficulties*, we came up with this plan, which helps them both: At the beginning of the trip, they each divide their savings by the number of days they will be on vacation - this gives them a guideline as to what would be a sensible amount to be spending each day. They know that if they spend more than that amount one day, it will leave them less for the remaining days, and vice versa. Every morning, we count up how much they have left and divide it by the number of days remaining, giving them a new guideline for the day.

They know that if they've seen something expensive they want to buy, it's sensible to have a couple of 'lean' days to make up for the big purchase they want. On the other hand, if they've been frugal for a while, a couple of days of overindulgence won't break the bank. Of course, I'm always willing to negotiate a loan if they just *have* to have that extra something they can't afford - oh, and it all helps with the math homework, too! - Wolfe

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After reading Sherry Theriault's tip about writing postcards while waiting in line or in restaurants, especially the part about, "I am about to ride Rock N Roller Coaster and you wouldn't believe how my heart is beating", I thought: what a great way to remember our own trip! I'm going to print out labels with our own address on them and mail postcards to ourselves for us to enjoy and relive the magic once we return. I keep a plastic storage box for each of my two children in which I put their artwork, school pictures and yearbooks, birthday cards, and special notes. It will be great to add postcards from our Walt Disney World vacations for them to read when they are adults! - Amy Mason
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Last year, I read a tip on the web about using a tent as a "haven" for young children who need to bed down before others in their hotel room. This worked great last year with my son. It fit perfectly on top of the second double bed. He did nap-time, play-time and night-time all in his "cave". I found the PERFECT pop-up tent by Ozark Trail at my local Wal-Mart that folds up into a soft, 2' carrying disk w/straps. (My 6' husband can lay down in the thing!) It has two windows with flaps that tie up or Velcro down. I wanted an exact replica for his sister, but alas, Wal-Mart has discontinued them with no plans to restock! I immediately went to my best friend "E. Bay" for help. I found a NEW Ozark Trail Child's Pop-Up tent for $15 + shipping. So when we're not enjoying MK, we're playing camp-out in the den. Oh, and if you're at WDW in June, we'll be the ones with the well-rested children! - Bari Brumfield
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The only really important advice I would add to this [bringing other people's children] is to make a copy of the other child's health insurance information and also have a signed or even notarized letter from the child's parents stating they will be traveling with you, to where, and on what dates. Hopefully you will never need to use it, but you never know! - Tara Felicio
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Our small kids don't care for sudden or loud noises. Take along a couple pairs of kid-sized ear plugs. They don't take up much room, but they make all the difference in the "world" to jumpy little ones! - Vicki Knuckles
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