Reviews of Beauty and the Beast Sing Along
Reviewed by DisneyGirlMelissa Review Date: 02/19/2024
Rating: (2) Not Recommended
Beauty and the Beast is my favourite movie. It is hard for re-makes/alternates to live up to it. This show was REALLY stretching to make the story of Lefou being the one to get Belle and the Beast together. I love the songs and it was frustrating to be singing my heart out and then the songs cut off to continue the story. I wasn't too impressed with this show overall.
time to sit in ACCons:
cuts off songs and really reaches to make a story line fit in the movie that doesn't really fitReviewed by Anonymous Review Date: 11/23/2023
Rating: (7) Recommended
This show was so cute in my opinion. I loved seeing the costumes and props in the waiting area and I loved singing along with the songs from one of my favorite Disney movies. I also love that it's told from the perspective of LeFou
A/C Unique take on a classic taleCons:
takes time out of your park dayReviewed by TammyRalff Review Date: 03/04/2022
Rating: (1) Not Recommended
This was so bad. Went in because Beauty and the Beast is my favourite and it was 2 mins to show time with lots of room still left to get in. I was excited thinking it would be like Frozen Sing Along in Studios.... it was not. The second the doors closed and it started, i remembered watching a review molly had done of it, and mentally noting I wouldn't be doing this show. WHY did I forget solid Molly park advice haha. The whole story changes to be about Lefou (a fav disney villain sidekick of mine) being the brains behind the whole story. It makes no sense and it's AWFUL. Unless you're desperate for air conditioning, don't do it.
air conditioningCons:
the change of storyReviewed by BrittS117 Review Date: 11/23/2021
Rating: (7) Recommended
So ridiculous it's fun and funny. Does this make sense? Nope. Does it matter? Probably not. I liked the condensed version of Beauty and the Beast with snippets of all our favorite songs from the movie! I like that there is a cute show where kids can participate and families can all sing along together if they wish.
Essentially group karaokeCons:
Not everyone singsReviewed by Anonymous Review Date: 10/28/2021
Rating: (2) Not Recommended
So dumb. Literally doesn’t make sense at all and is pointless, and stupid too. Lefou has little to no purpose in the original movie and is just a side character who praises Gaston. Would have been so much better if it was just a normal movie sing along. Please do not go on this. Like was Lefou running for office when this was made? Like did they want to promote his campaign? Why?
None at all. Literally useless and would have been so much better without Lefou at all.Cons:
Everything, literally ruined the golden age of their animation. Makes me want to perishReviewed by SnazzyValkyrie Review Date: 10/03/2021
Rating: (4) Recommended
I think this would be better as a ‘live’ sing along. Most times I’ve gone here it’s like maybe a 25% participation rate. I just feel like it would better if there was more encouragement. It is a nice break from the heat. And the area out front is amazing.
Air conditioning. Cute story.Cons:
Lack of participation.Reviewed by tayloranne06 Review Date: 07/10/2021
Rating: (9) Recommended
i actually enjoyed this one i thought it was cool how you get a different side of the story and i love singing i’m kinda younger so i don’t know all the songs to beauty and the beast but i still enjoyed it!
fun and you get to singCons:
noneReviewed by Anonymous Review Date: 04/06/2021
Rating: (9) Recommended
NothingReviewed by Hhbender Review Date: 03/23/2021
Rating: (10) Recommended
Really sweet. Love seeing the costumes in the entry way. My children and I loved this.
Really sweetCons:
NoneReviewed by Topdawg101 Review Date: 02/22/2021
Rating: (10) Recommended
My absolute favorite movie! I love the twist on it and adds excitement to fans of the movie. I shed a tear signing "Beauty and the Beast". Its in the shade and is so much fin!