Why I’m Worried About the New ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ Land at Epic Universe

Now listen, I’m just as excited for Epic Universe as everyone else. Do I know when I’m going yet? No, not exactly, but that doesn’t matter, I know I’ll get there eventually!


While I’m stoked for all the new lands on the way, I’ve got my eyes specifically set on a few, and one of those is How to Train Your Dragon: Isle of Berk. Why? For a ton of reasons but mostly, uhm, hello, DRAGONS!! However, I have to admit that while I’m super stoked for the new land, there are a few things I’m concerned about.

The first concern is a bit of a given, but hey, it’s important to think about — THOUSANDS of people are looking forward to this new land, as well as the park as a whole, and that means that it’s bound to be massively busy for at least the first few months of its opening.


I personally have reason to believe it’ll be busier than other areas of the park because while all of it will be new, Isle of Berk will truly be home to some new technology never before seen in the park (again, FLYING DRAGONS!). So when you’re heading into the land to experience the attractions and see the new show(s), it’s important to remember you’ll want to pack your patience and potentially get there EXTRA early to make sure you find a good spot.


Speaking of that new technology, just like new rides are subject to having more issues as they actually accommodate guests for the first time, the entire Isle of Berk land will be undergoing that exact same “trial by fire” scenario, as will the whole park. That’s why, if it’s possible, I recommend you plan MORE than one day to visit the park (if possible), or at least more than one time that you want to go and visit one of the new attractions in the land. It’s entirely possible and likely they’ll go down more often than normal as they adjust to being in full swing for hundreds upon hundreds of people each day, and you’ll want to prepare for that.


And finally, this one may not sound probable now since there’s SO much to explore in the new park, but it’s also totally possible you’ll arrive in Isle of Berk…and never want to leave. 


Now, I don’t mean NEVER as in literally, but if you’re anything like me when I visited Hogsmeade for the first time in Islands of Adventure (where I spent THREE DAYS just in that one section of the park), you may choose to spend your entire day in that one section and choose to explore the others another day. While I don’t judge you for that in the slightest, make sure you do eventually explore the rest of the park — you won’t want to miss out on any of it!

Be sure to stay tuned to AllEars for all the latest Universal Orlando and Epic Universe news!

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5 Replies to “Why I’m Worried About the New ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ Land at Epic Universe”

  1. There doesn’t seem to be any real groundbreaking technology for the How to Train Your Dragons Land . In fact one ride is nothing more than an elaborate fair ride (the flying one). So there should not be too many breakdowns for that area.
    Crowed – yes! But if you choose to go during that time it’s on you to cope with it!

  2. Universal is only offering single day passes as part of a three day stay. So currently it is impossible to have a 2 day leisurely park experience. Will be waiting for the policy to change

  3. Too bad that, initially, you’ll only be able to get one day at Epic Universe with a required 3 day ticket 😟

    1. I do know of one group that has booked two consecutive 3-day trips to Universal so that they can get two days at Epic. Right now that is the only possible way to get two days at Epic until single day tickets go on sale (which I doubt will be available until the end of the summer at the earliest).

  4. Visiting more than once for anyone coming from the UK is going to be difficult as the park ticket which gives multiple entry to Studios and Islands only allows for 1 day entry to Epic. So I predict that Epic is going to be unbearably busy, frustrating with rides going down because of all being new at once, possibly worth ignoring Epic if you can.