Dear Disney World Hater, Please Read

If you’re reading this post, you’re likely being dragged on a Disney trip by your friend or family member  — and it’s the last thing you want to do.

Magic Kingdom

Let us briefly introduce ourselves — hi, we’re AllEars, and we’re in the Disney parks every day! We keep Disney fans updated with all the latest news, merchandise, food, and more spotted in the parks so they’re ready for their next trip, or can just feel some of the magic from home. You’re probably getting ready to be in the parks soon and are dreading it, but we have a few tips for you to make your trip easier.

There’s More There Than You Think

The moment you find yourself stuck in the mindset that Disney World is a theme park for children, you’ve got the complete wrong idea. Walt Disney dreamed up the original park, Disneyland in California, to be a theme park where children and adults could have fun together. The same goal still stands today.

Walt Disney Presents

Disney World isn’t just rides and character meet and greets. There are some pretty spectacular live entertainment shows, lounges, bars, and restaurants to dine at, and hotels to lounge at that adults have a lot of fun exploring. Just because your idea of fun changes as you get older doesn’t mean it isn’t fun anymore!

Festival of Fantasy Parade

Basically, keep an open mind. There’s so much more to Disney than what meets the eye, and you’re getting a chance to see it all! That’s an experience so many people around the world dream of having, so make the most of it while you’re there.

Not Go With The Flow? Do Some Research

We don’t mean you have to know absolutely everything about the parks, but if you’re truly not a “go with the flow” kind of person, or a “I genuinely don’t care what we do” person, do a little research to see what the parks have to offer.

TRON Lightcycle / Run

Why do we say this? Well, we’ll put it simply — you’re going to make everyone miserable if you say you don’t care what you do, and then you complain about everything because it’s not what YOU wanted to do.

Animal Kingdom

Was that harsh? If it was, we’re sorry, but it’s the truth. We see it happen EVERY. DAY. in the parks. Be sure to communicate with your group what it is that you’re most interested in experiencing in the parks, and what the absolute “no’s” are for you. Even if it’s something small, like you’re more interested in food than parades — any sort of information will help your group cater toward you when they can.

If You Want To Stay At The Hotel, That’s Fine, But Your Group Needs To Know

We’re really going to crack down on this communication thing, because while it’s hard and annoying sometimes to be vulnerable and share what you’re feeling, it really is SO important. 

Magic Kingdom After Hours

Let’s say you really aren’t interested in what Animal Kingdom has to offer, but you’d like to just hang out at the hotel pool for the day. If your group knows this ahead of your trip, they can make arrangements to know in advance that you won’t be with them that day. This is easiest for adults, but if it’s a child that wants to stay behind, you can maybe sort out how to compromise so everyone gets to do what they’d like.

Disney’s Contemporary Resort

Even though it’s easier to just brush everything off, feeling defeated that you were outvoted on the vacation and now you’re being forced to go to this place you have no interest in, we promise there is SOMETHING at Disney that will interest you, and communicating that to your group can help you all have a more pleasant vacation.

Please Don’t Complain About Every Little Thing

We need to warn you, this next section, we’re going to be a little harsh again. We apologize in advance, but we do think it’s important for you to hear.

Magic Carpets of Aladdin

WE KNOW you were outvoted and you wanted to go somewhere else. We assure you, your whole group knows it. You’re just making yourself and everyone else around you miserable when you complain about every single thing the group does.

Hollywood Studios

This is especially true if you purposely didn’t do any research on the parks before, and secretly have things you’d like to do, but you’re not telling your group because you just “know that they wouldn’t listen.” The truth is, you won’t know unless you try, and no one in your group is a mind reader — they aren’t going to know unless you tell them. Don’t make it a miserable vacation for everyone just because you’re not having the best time.

Make The Most of It

All in all, you’re being a good sport, going on vacation to a spot you really couldn’t care less about. Not to sound too much like a parent, but it’s important to remember how many people in the world can’t afford to go on any sort of vacations, or who dream to visit the exact places you’ll be standing.

Japan Pavilion

Even if you can’t find any semblance of joy in what you’re personally experiencing, turn your attention to the people you’re with.

Hello, EPCOT!

Are they having the time of their life? Living out dreams their 8-year-old self had and feeling like a kid again? We recommend trying to find some joy in THEIR joy. How many times do parents do things for their kids that they kinda hate, but they do it because the love seeing how happy it makes their kids? It’s the same thing here. Your family/friends invited you to be part of the trip for a reason — they want to have you as part of these happy memories. 

Cinderella Castle

On behalf of the whole AllEars team, thank you for going on this trip and making the best of it so the rest of the group can have a good time. Hopefully your whole group will remember the sacrifice you made, and will let you choose the vacation destination next time! In the meantime, if you need to do any of that research before your trip, we’re here for anything you may need!

These are our best tips for a magical Disney World vacation!

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Be honest with us, where did you WANT to go on vacation to that your family/friends chose Disney instead? We wanna hear all about them!

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