Tips about Disney Cruise Line, Mousecellaneous and Souvenirs

I just wanted to share a tip for those who may be visiting Disney World as part of a graduation trip. If you want a really unique and affordable Disney keepsake, have Disney characters sign your graduation cap! Metallic silver and gold markers work really well for making their signatures stand out against a black cap. Also, make sure to bring more than one marker because they tend to dry out quickly. Many of the characters I met had a lot fun playing around with my cap during the meet and greet, especially the Mad Hatter! Based on my experience, I would suggest scheduling at least one character dining experience. This way, you don't have to carry around your cap all day. Even if you do decide to carry it with you, at least it is a very light item to keep in your travel bag. My college graduation was a very memorable experience, but now, each time I see my graduation cap, I feel that extra Disney magic that makes it even more special. - Chiara
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In last week's tips, Gretchen Foster wrote about the difficulty of finding birthday cards on Disney property. The Japan pavilion in Epcot has a wonderful selection of all types of greeting cards. One of my grandsons has a summer birthday and I was able to find the perfect card there and slipped in a Disney gift card. - Carol Trainor
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I loved your article last week on birthday trips. However, people should be aware that it's difficult to buy greeting cards, wrapping paper, gift bags or ribbon on-property (I don't know why). If you are going to bring gifts that need to be wrapped, bring your own cards and wrapping from home. Also, don't bring pre-wrapped packages if you are flying as they will almost always stop you at security and make you unwrap it. - Gretchen Foster
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We just returned from a Disney World vacation. We purchased packages of MagicBand "bits" for our children on our first day there. The second day both boys had lost some of their "bits" from their Magic Bands. We asked a cast member at the Emporium if we were doing something wrong. We were sure we had pushed them all the way in the holes. She got a manager who told us you need to be careful, as they easily catch on things when getting on and off rides. He replaced one son's by opening a new pack, but he did not have my other son's, so he brought out a box of open packs and let him pick the two he wanted. - Jolene
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If you are in the World now or will be soon, keep your eyes open. We saw two bald eagles last week on World Drive, between Buena Vista Drive and the Epcot exit. The next day I saw one at the entrance to the Wide World of Sports complex. Beautiful birds and my phone's camera did not do them justice. - Michael S.
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My tip is for fans of the trading pins. I have a lanyard and pins that I wear daily at school (I am a teacher). I had the problem of the pin backs coming off and losing my precious pins. I've solved the issue by using an eraser from a mechanical pencil. They can be purchased cheaply at local stores and I have yet to lose a pin that is backed by an eraser. - Angela
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Like most of you reading this, I can't get enough of Walt Disney World and my family tries to make it there at least once a year. I am also an avid gardener who has brought home a couple of garden souvenirs from the Flower and Garden Festival, but those can be pricey. So I have started buying a couple of the antenna toppers for cars on each trip. I glue and insert a sturdy length of wire into each one and place them in some of my flower pots on the deck and throughout the yard. The toppers are really cute, inexpensive (by Disney standards!) and easily replaced as needed. My kids are grown, but it could also make for a fun backyard version of "find the hidden Mickeys!" - Sheril Maddox
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Pressed Penny update -- ELSA is at the shop OUTSIDE of the Epcot entrance near the International Gateway. (Kristin Ford notes that she just made the Olaf pressed penny at the store on the left along the entrance to World Showcase - by the Duffy meet and greet. A penny with both Elsa and Anna can be pressed inside the toy store at the Norway pavilion.) - Trisha Hwang
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Magic Kingdom - I have a tip for the WDW At Large section. I am a 5' 5'' female weighing 315 lbs. I fit comfortably in all of the rides at Magic Kingdom except the new Seven Dwarfs Mine Train roller coaster in Fantasyland. The restraint must fit over the top of and around your thighs. The width is not adjustable so you must squeeze your thighs together and force the restraint down around them. I barely, and I mean barely, was able to squeeze my legs together enough to fit and was uncomfortable the entire time. I also recommend saying you are a 'party of one' so you can ride solo, because the width of the car is slim. I loved the ride -- very smooth -- but won't ride again unless I lose weight. - Annabelle
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So I get home and save the MagicBand we got in March, but I'm not really sure what to do with it. Then my brilliant boyfriend came up with a great use. Since it snaps into various sizes he suggested using it to hold extension cords or electrical cords. Great way to recycle! - Grandeb from NJ EDITOR'S NOTE: You can bring your Magic Band back for your next visit. They last approximately two years.
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Epcot - When my son and daughter-in-law were expecting our now 3-year-old grandson Kai, I visited each country in Epcot and asked a cast member to sign a little message to him in his/her native language. They translated it in English as well. When I approached each cast member, they were delighted to have a part in welcoming our grandson into the world! Upon returning home, I compiled the signatures, along with a picture of each country, put them in a small photo album, and gave it to my daughter-in-law at her baby shower. I have since done the same album of signatures with my subsequent grandson Caleb and most recently with Kai's baby sister Adalie. - Kim N.
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Epcot - When my son and daughter-in-law were expecting our now 3-year-old grandson Kai, I visited each country in Epcot and asked a cast member to sign a little message to him in his/her native language. They translated it in English as well. When I approached each cast member, they were delighted to have a part in welcoming our grandson into the world! Upon returning home, I compiled the signatures, along with a picture of each country, put them in a small photo album, and gave it to my daughter-in-law at her baby shower. I have since done the same album of signatures with my subsequent grandson Caleb and most recently with Kai's baby sister Adalie. - Kim N.
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I know a lot of people get caught up in the Fastpasses and waiting in line is horrible, but some of my fondest memories were waiting in line at Disney. I think sometimes you need to just take a moment and chill. Enjoy yourself and not worry about long lines. Often those can be goofy/funny moments with your family -- whether it be a time where you play a silly game or talk about how much fun you're having. - Cristen P
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On a recent trip to Disney my 5-year-old discovered several things she wanted to buy and, like most parents, we told her we would "think about it" as we moved on to the next part of our trip. Because I had my computer with me I was able to visit the Disney Store website the last night of our trip and order many of the things she had seen in the parks, as both Christmas and her birthday were coming up. I was thrilled to receive free shipping and knowing that I didn't have to try to "hide" these presents in our suitcases. But the icing on the cake was that several of the items were actually cheaper on the website than they would have been had we bought them at the park! - Kim Meyerholtz
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