Tips about Rain

An inexpensive rain-cover for the double strollers that the parks rent is a clear rain poncho that can be purchased for less than a dollar at Wal-Mart. I was able to snap the poncho in with the top cover of the stroller and then draped it over the sides and in front. The kids tucked the poncho around themselves and enjoyed the view as we strolled through the rain. - Patricia Moery
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We just returned from a wonderful two-week trip to Disney and I have a great tip for anyone traveling with a stroller. We brought our own ultralight stroller, and along with it a plastic rain shield that covered the entire stroller. I cannot tell you how much this saved us during the many rain showers we had over our trip, since ponchos do not work well for a baby in a stroller. Even if it looked like there was a chance of rain I pulled the cover over our son's stroller before going into an attraction, and the seat never got wet. During one storm at Disney's Hollywood Studios, we were able to walk across the park to attractions that had no line, because so many people were staying put under shelters. We got the rain cover at Babies R Us and it is made by Graco, but is supposed to fit most strollers, and I am sure there are similar products out there. - Tanya Sheehan
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Whenever possible, park your stroller under a designated shelter. We parked both of ours outside during the Country Bear Jamboree, and were surprised by a total drenching shower that left about a quarter-inch of rain in our belongings and two very soggy toddlers for the rest of the day! - Mark Brown
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Summer is approaching, and along with that the summer WDW rain spells. I thought it might be a good time to share this tip. If you will be touring the park with a stroller in tow, be sure to bring some type of plastic cover for it. Some baby supply stores sell covers made specifically for this, but we found cheap ponchos from the dollar store to work well, too. If you park your stroller outside to go into a show or ride, cover up your stroller. That way, if one of those famous rainfalls creeps up, your stroller won't be soaked when you're ready to put your little prince or princess back in it. - Lauren Swedenborg
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Wal-Mart has in its camping department an "emergency poncho" for 87 cents each, with hood. These ponchos are so small and compact (size of a postcard) that they were easy to pack and carry in the parks. Rain gear in the parks is $6 for adults and $5 for children. Ours did not come with Mickey Mouse on the back! - David & Sonya Wurm
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