Tips about Magic Kingdom and Sun & Heat Tips

It goes without saying -- love the newsletter! I found a piece of advice on your site for a trip we were taking in June: Purchase a sun shield for your car to help keep the inside temperature down while it is parked all day in the lot. This was such a good tip, I thought it was worth suggesting again since it is summer. - Becky
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Magic Kingdom - While at Magic Kingdom at night, we tried to take advantage of some busier attractions during the fireworks, in hopes there would be short wait times. We chose Enchanted Tales with Belle, as the wait time stated 20 minutes. Well, there was essentially no line. But the best part was that standing just outside of Maurice's house turned out to be one of the best places to see the fireworks. They appeared to be shot off right behind Beast's Castle and were literally right over our heads. And then when they were done, we were able to walk into the cottage and participate in the Belle experience right away. It was magical! - Megan
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ALL PARKS - It's been said before, but the early bird gets the worm. Each morning we rose with the sun and were at the gates of our chosen park at opening. We literally cruised through on every ride, numerous times. (Expedition Everest five times in 20 minutes!) We were out of the parks by 10:30 each day. Our kids left vacation feeling like we had seen and done everything and we never noticed the crowds. We heard so many complaining about how horrible it was and we shared a private chuckle about our planning. - Michelle K
Magic Kingdom - We were just at Disney World last week, and we spent two days in the Magic Kingdom. The crowds weren't too bad, but the lines for the Be Our Guest Restaurant were very long. The wait was 45 minutes around 11:30. A helpful cast member told me that many times the line is shorter around 1 or 1:30 p.m. We had a snack to tide us over and went back at 1:20 p.m. Sure enough, we were in the castle in 10 minutes. It was totally worth it! You can research allergies on the touch-screen menu to see what foods are OK to eat. It was wonderful for my gluten-free son. Lunch prices were just slightly more than prices at the Columbia Harbor House, but the ambiance and decorations were priceless. My kids spent half the meal staring at the snow falling outside the giant picture window lining one wall. I really enjoyed the vegetable quiche, and the gluten-free Lemon Raspberry Cream Puff was great, too. Everything about the restaurant is done right. It was a wonderful memory for us. - Ali Sanders
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One year when we were doing the Magic Kingdom it was very hot, so we were looking for a nice cool place to relax and get out of the heat while we were waiting until it was time to use our FastPass. We tried some air-conditioned stores and restaurants, but with so many people in them they just weren't really cooling us off. I had a brilliant idea and it worked -- we left the park, jumped on the monorail, and just rode it around for an hour. No one was on it, so it was nice and cool, and quiet, too! I had a headache, but after cooling off and relaxing in the quiet we all felt great and went back to the park. My son and husband even had a nap -- they can sleep anywhere! - LT
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Magic Kingdom - If you are in Magic Kingdom near closing time/sundown, you can sometimes see cast members doing water paintings of the Fab Five and friends. The very few times I've seen this bit of magic have been in early evening on the path from the hub to between Tomorrowland and Fantasyland (runs between Cosmic Ray's and the new Merida meet and greet). They use brooms and water to paint images of Disney characters on the sidewalk. They don't last long, and I don't think it's every day, either. The first time we saw this was truly an added pinch of pixie dust on our vacation. My 4- and 6-year-olds were amazed that it was just water! Now it's tradition to try to be in MK at the right time just to see if we can see them again. - Danielle
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Magic Kingdom - It's easy for small children to become over-stimulated by all the input at Disney World, especially Magic Kingdom, and certainly Fantasyland. When taking my granddaughter for her first time, just after her 2nd birthday, we purposely visited Adventureland, doing Aladdin's Magic Carpet first, and then Frontierland on her first morning. On her second morning we visited Fantasyland, riding Dumbo first. She enjoyed the attractions at Fantasyland more, I think, after getting acquainted with the park on her first morning. We have continued the "two mornings" routine at Magic Kingdom, beginning with Adventureland, since that first trip. Our trip when my granddaughter was 5 brought home especially how overwhelming all the sights and sounds of Main Street and Magic Kingdom can be. She thought she remembered, but the reality was something else. She definitely had that deer in the headlights expression on her face, walking down Main Street. Except for our old standby, Aladdin's Magic Carpet -- she greeted that ride enthusiastically. On the trip when she was 7, I thought we would probably do something else first, but she insisted that the Carpets were tradition. And that's what we did first. At rope drop, we're almost the only ones in line. It's like our own private carpet ride. - Kim
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ALL PARKS - I have three kids and live a couple hours away from Disney. My children range in age from 5 to 14. One of the most useful tips I could give is to pack a pair of flip-flops in your backpack for water rides. Before you get in line, change from your tennis shoes to flip-flops and then you can change back into your dry tennis shoes after the ride. - Elizabeth
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Magic Kingdom - At the new Fantasyland, the Photopass photographers do magical shots where they have Sebastian from Little Mermaid in your hand, and another one where Chip from Beauty and the Beast sits in your hand. - Kazuko
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Christmas - If you are going to be in the Magic Kingdom during the day of a Very Merry Christmas Party, but aren't staying for the Party, make sure you do any Main Street shopping before the time the party starts. We were at the Magic Kingdom on the first night of the party this year (November 9). We tried to get into the Emporium at 7:05 p.m. and they wouldn't let us in without a bracelet. It was very disappointing since it was our last night. Luckily we had done some shopping earlier, but my friends were very disappointed. - Rick G.
ALL PARKS - A great way to save time if possible is to go to the park without a bag. We could not accomplish this on every park visit, but when we would go to Magic Kingdom for a short visit in the morning or evening, we packed small necessary items (camera, lip balm, antibacterial gel) in my husband and son's cargo pockets, wore our Photopass and tickets around our necks and breezed into the parks. - Tanya
Magic Kingdom - During our recent trip to Walt Disney World, my son enjoyed playing Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom. The only problem was carrying the cards and sorting through them. We saw several folks carrying binders with the clear sleeves used for baseball cards. A great idea. It keeps the cards "organized" and keeps them clean. You can see all your cards, and know which ones you need when trading. Since getting home, we have put our cards into a binder and are ready for our next visit. - Joelle Rehberg
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Magic Kingdom - On a recent trip we viewed the Magic Kingdom fireworks from just outside the entrance. We enjoyed a park bench to ourselves and had a lovely view of the display over the train station. Immediately afterward, we headed for the buses and with our "head start" easily caught the first one back to our resort. - Susan Reynolds
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The last time we drove down to Walt Disney world from Michigan, I brought a couple of cases of bottled water. I had frozen one case and used freezer coolers to transport. Once at the hotel I filled the refrigerator and made it as cold as possible. I had bottle insulators and a neoprene lunch bag I carried with the bottles in my backpack. This gave us very cold water almost the entire day, even in the heat of August. - Ken Winkles
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ALL PARKS - Just a reminder to check when counter service restaurants close. We were at Disney's Hollywood Studios three weeks ago, counting on eating our meal at one of the counter service restaurants. All were closed by 8:15, except for the one closest to Fantasmic, so we had to eat at Mama Melrose's and pay $150. It was a lovely meal, but we were on the dining plan and had carefully planned when to use our dining credits. - Ellen
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