8 Downright Ugly but Critical Photos Experts Always Take in Disney World

So, you know how the “magic” is in the details?

Cinderella Castle in Magic Kingdom

Things like all the stunning architecture around the parks and Disney World hotels, close-ups of your favorite snacks, and more. But, let’s forget about those for just a moment and think about snapping some “ugly” but downright essential photos that every Disney pro snaps. Let’s talk about the photos you absolutely need to take on your next trip to Disney World!

Parking Spot

Trust me on this one. This needs to become the first step in your routine when you park at Disney World because nothing ruins that “post-park glow” like wandering around a sea of cars in the blistering Florida sun (those parking lots are MASSIVE).

Snap a picture of where you parked!

Snap a quick pic of the section and row where you parked your car and that way, after a day of fun (and mayhem), you can find your ride without turning it into a scavenger hunt.


Okay. Okay. This one might sound boring, but you’ll be surprised by how often it comes in handy. Truly, taking photos of your receipts can be a total lifesaver and we’re talking about any of them from dining to souvenirs.


If you happen to lose your receipts, those little photos can help you keep track of your budget, and if anything goes wrong with a purchase, you’ve got the proof right there on your phone. Nothing beats having the original in hand, but the photo is the next best thing.

Room Number

If you thought losing track of your car was potentially embarrassing, you don’t want to imagine not being able to recall which room you’re staying in. I mean, can you imagine having just spent an amazing day hopping between parks, and finally making it back to your hotel, exhausted, but having no idea of your room number?

This was our room’s bird feeder!

Save yourself the mental gymnastics and snap a pic of your room door when you first check in. It’s not pretty, but it can be a game-changer.

Screenshots of Dining Reservations

Sometimes dining at Disney can be a logistical puzzle, so do yourself a favor and take screenshots of all your dining reservations.


These digital backups will save you if your My Disney Experience app decides to glitch out at the worst possible moment. Plus, you’ll also have quick access to your reservation times and confirmation numbers.

Screenshots/Screen Recordings of Lightning Lane Reservations

As you know, one way to maximize your time in the parks means making the most of Lightning Lane reservations.


What you’ll want to do is take screenshots (or even screen recordings) of your reservations to make sure you don’t miss your window for popular rides. That way, if the app has a hiccup, you’ll still have your plan B right in your camera roll.

Your Luggage

You know how sometimes when you fly it’s like your luggage sometimes goes on its own adventure? A really helpful thing to do is to take a photo of your bags before you check them in.


If they get lost, this photo can help the airline staff identify your luggage quickly. This also comes in handy when you first get into your hotel room, so snap a photo there too with something recognizable in the background!


We’re all about safety and precautions here, so if you happen to be on medication, go ahead and take a photo of all your prescription bottles.

Ibuprofen from First Aid

In case of an emergency, this picture can provide critical information to medical personnel. This is one of those “better safe than sorry” steps that you hope you never need but will be glad to have.

Screenshot of a List of All Your Allergies

Dining anywhere can be a stressful experience when you’ve got food allergies. What you’ll want to do to minimize the stress is to make a list of all your allergies and take a screenshot.


Having this information handy can be a real lifesaver when speaking to restaurant staff. Sure, it’s not glamorous, but it can be essential for keeping your trip safe and enjoyable.

Magic Kingdom

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What are some of the “mundane” things you take photos of during your trip to Disney World? Tell us in the comments!

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