Tips about Kids and Money

When visiting the Disney parks, children can quickly get overwhelmed by all the merchandise for sale. I have found it helpful to give each child a budget, for example $10 per day, to be used only for merchandise purchases. The child can spend up to $10 per day or save two days to have $20. Helps teach children decision-making, saving, and budgeting, and greatly reduces the frustration. Our kids had lots of fun thinking about what they "really" wanted and had the satisfaction of making their own choices. - Lynda Dooley
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To involve my children in the money saving, we posted a chart on the fridge and every week their earned allowance is tallied. We also decorated a coffee can with Disney stickers and ALL loose change from every family member gets dropped in. We figure come time for the trip it will pay for several meals! - Sue Maclaughlin
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