Tips about Epcot and Rental Car

I just thought I'd let people know that there is a Circle K gas station that, while not specifically on the way to the airport, is not difficult to get to. Essentially, if you are taking the 417 from WDW, you will normally exit onto Boggy Creek Road and turn left to get to the airport. To get to the gas station, turn right off the exit ramp and follow the road about 1-2 miles. The Circle K will be on your right at a traffic signal. The gas here is normally $0.10-$0.15/gallon cheaper than the Car Care Centers. - Pam K.
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Here is a tip for anyone renting a car. There are no convenient gas stations near the airport, so plan to fill up at one of these three convenient locations: 1) Magic Kingdom Car Care Center, easiest access leaving MK or any MK resort. 2) Boardwalk gas station, easiest access from any Epcot resort. 3) There is a gas station on 536 just before you get on 417. This is perhaps the most convenient since the best way to get back to the airport is to take 536 to 417 directly to the airport. Also, don't worry about refueling charges, fill up at any of the above locations and after the short 15-mile trip to the airport your tank will still read FULL. - Jason Diffendal
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Even though you have a confirmed car rental reservation made, keep checking back with all the car rental companies online until right before you go. You can often find a better price has appeared than what you have reserved. - Jack Marshall
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EPCOT - On every trip to Epcot we try to collect different things from each country, but I'm beginning to run out of space. So this year we decided to collect candy from each country. We usually picked up two different candies at each country. The only country that did not have candy was Morocco, so we bought a pastry. It's a tasty treat that you can enjoy at the park and later at home. I took some to my family and we had a contest to see what country they thought the candy came from. So, in essence it's a treat, collection, and later a game, but only needing short-term storage space. What a fun, tasty thing to do -- my family enjoyed it! - Kelly Adkins
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EPCOT - On every trip to Epcot we try to collect different things from each country, but I'm beginning to run out of space. So this year we decided to collect candy from each country. We usually picked up two different candies at each country. The only country that did not have candy was Morocco, so we bought a pastry. It's a tasty treat that you can enjoy at the park and later at home. I took some to my family and we had a contest to see what country they thought the candy came from. So, in essence it's a treat, collection, and later a game, but only needing short-term storage space. What a fun, tasty thing to do -- my family enjoyed it! - Kelly Adkins
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