Tips about Characters and Planning

I have each character sign on one page [of my children's autograph books] and leave the other facing page blank. Of course, the autograph session is photographed. When I get home I trim the picture to size and put photo corner holders on the blank facing page. I then have the corresponding picture of my kids with the character's autograph on the facing page. My kids loved helping to put this together--and they were only 5 and 2! Also, the kids wanted to photograph characters that we didn't actually meet, such as at the parades. These pictures can also be put in this character photo/autograph book. My kids love to look through this book! - Lisa Lipscomb
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My 6-year-old daughter Kelsey came up with a great idea for her autograph book. She saved the page next to the autograph to place a picture of herself and the character. She and her friends love going through the book looking at the autographs and photos. It has made a very special keepsake for her.

The other thing that I do to the autograph books is to write the kids' names along the page ends. Just hold the book tightly closed and write their names along the top edge of the book pages. It really helps when you are in a hurry pulling the books out of your fanny pack to give to three kids. No more opening the inside flap to tell whose book is whose. - The Fuchs Family of Winfield, Illinois

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Consider putting names and addresses (contact information) on used film and autograph books. It's heartbreaking to find these items and have no reliable way to get them back to the owner. - A thoughtful Disney Theme Park Cast Member -
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