4 Unexpected Things You’ll Need If You’re Visiting Disney’s Hollywood Studios

Disney’s Hollywood Studios is a park that’s filled with tons of attractions to experience.

Hollywood Studios

Some of the most thrilling rides in the park are located here, and while the park isn’t really known for fantastic dining, there are some great dishes hidden around, and there are some truly incredible shows you won’t want to miss! However, with so much to do, there are some items you’ll need that you may not be expecting!

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The truth is that one of the biggest draws of Hollywood Studios is Galaxy’s Edge, the Star Wars themed area of the park. Even people who aren’t Star Wars fans are often thrilled by the immersiveness of Galaxy’s Edge and sometimes even end up a Star Wars fan by the time they walk out. In preparation, you may want to grab yourself a Star Wars Loungefly!


By buying a Loungefly online ahead of your trip, you’ll likely be saving yourself some money in comparison to becoming a huge fan of the land and buying one in the park!

Add it to your cart!

Whether you build a Lightsaber in the park and you become obsessed, or you’re thinking you’ll be a big fan just seeing everyone carry them around the parks (wait until it’s dark out, then it gets REALLY cool), you may want to snag this deal on the Darth Maul Legacy LIGHTSABER Set while it lasts!


This set comes with the Darth Maul Legacy Lightsaber Hilt, Lightsaber Blade, belt clip, and display stand, meaning it’ll be easy to carry around the park, and you’ll already have a way to display it at home!

Grab it here!

Now this next essential has nothing to do with Star Wars and is really essential on a lot of Disney World rides, but especially Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster since you go upside down — get yourself a bag that ZIPS like a Crossbody Sling Bag!


Not only can this bag securely hold onto all your items in its zippered pockets (although watch out for your water bottle in that side pocket), it’s small enough to make maneuvering around the parks easier, but big enough to hold everything you need!

Check it out here!

And lastly, before you jump in line for one of the most popular rides in Disney World, which often has the longest line in Hollywood Studios by a mile, grab yourself a drink or a snack before you get in line for Slinky Dog Dash!

Slinky Dog Dash Queue

This line ranges anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half on LESS crowded days in the park, and only goes up the busier the park gets, so grab yourself something to snack on to help the time pass quicker.

Toy Story Land at night

As always, stay tuned to AllEars for all the latest Disney World news and tips to help you plan for your next vacation!

Check out our Amazon Storefront for more of our Disney World favorites!

What is an essential you always need in Hollywood Studios? Tell us in the comments!

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One Reply to “4 Unexpected Things You’ll Need If You’re Visiting Disney’s Hollywood Studios”

  1. Top 4 things I think you need when visiting Disney’s Hollywood Studios
    1) patience
    2) money, and lots of it
    3) comfortable shoes for standing in line, if you don’t have #2
    4) patience