6 Signs You’ve Ridden Disney World’s Jungle Cruise Too Many Times

There are few rides quite as classic in Magic Kingdom as the Jungle Cruise!

Jungle Cruise

It was an opening day attraction, and it has managed to maintain popularity since! The experience is complete with animatronic jungle animals and khaki-wearing Skippers filled with bad puns, but it has a host of dedicated fans around the world. And if you’re one of those dedicated fans, we’ve got some signs that you might have ridden Jungle Cruise too many times! (Although, is there ever such a thing as “too much Jungle Cruise?” 😉)

You Get Excited When You Hear a New Joke

By the time you’ve cruised the rivers of the world a few dozen times with the jungle Skippers, you’ve probably heard most of the jokes. There are only so many ways that they can make puns about a “dead-tired” zebra, a crashed plane, and a pool of elephants.

It’s Schweitzer Falls! Named after Dr. Albert…Falls!

And once you’ve heard most of the basics, you start getting excited every time that you have a Skipper with some original material. Did they come up with it themselves? Did they read a joke book? Are you actually laughing out loud for REAL? It’s a pretty thrilling experience, honestly.

You Have a Favorite Boat

Jungle Cruise die-hards know that all the boats on the river have unique names, each one with a jungle-y twist. There’s Mongala Millie, Bomokandi Bertha, Amazon Annie, and so many more.

The World Famous Jungle Cruise

And if you’ve ridden several times, you probably have a favorite boat! Personally, I’m a big fan of Ucyali Lolly — they just don’t make names like that anymore.

You Have a Favorite Skipper

Even harder to find than a favorite boat is a favorite Skipper! You can cruise the rivers over and over again and never end up with the same one twice (considering just how many Cast Members there are who work this one ride!). But once you find someone that genuinely makes you belly laugh, it’s hard to forget them.

Jungle Cruise Skipper

We’ve had some Skippers that were SO good in the past that we still remember their names to this day. Now that’s the sign of a job well done!

You Believe You Could Be a Skipper With Minimal Training

And speaking of Skippers — you might have ridden the Jungle Cruise too many times if you’re convinced you could recite the entire ride script from memory. (We know there are some of you out there who could do it!)

The bait shop!

If you believe you could commandeer a boat and lead an entire cruise yourself with minimal training, you might be venturing into dangerous levels of confidence territory. But hey, we’d love to hear your audition to be a Skipper!

You Know the Jingle Cruise Jokes Too!

The true fans have not only ridden Jungle Cruise an innumerable amount of times, but they’ve also spent a decent amount of time enjoying the holiday version — the Jingle Cruise.

Jingle Cruise

The Jingle Cruise version of the ride comes with its own holly jolly jokes and sight gags, and we look forward to the ho ho humor every year!

You Point Out All the Hidden Details in the Queue

For deep-dive Jungle Cruise fans, the fun actually starts before you get on the ride. There are so many hidden details in the queue of the ride that you could spend hours looking them all up and dissecting their meanings!

Hidden details in the queue

If you’ve spent an excessive amount of time pointing out all the little nods and Imagineering details to your friends and family, you might have spent too much time in line for Jungle Cruise. But hey, we’re not here to judge!

Jungle Cruise queue

Stay tuned to AllEars for more tips and updates from Disney World, plus all the important information you need to know before your trip!

25 Things You Didn’t Know About Jungle Cruise in Disney World — Click Here!

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What’s the verdict — have you ridden Jungle Cruise too many times? Tell us in the comments!

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