Starbucks Opens in Magic Kingdom

The Main Street Bakery has reopened in the Magic Kingdom and now features Starbucks coffee! Starbucks offers their wide array of coffee beverages as well as their breakfast sandwiches and pastries. Disney’s contributions to the baked goods include cookies, cupcakes and brownies. Full Menu HERE.

There is no seating inside the Bakery and outside seating is VERY limited. I suggest taking your items over to the outdoor seating area by the Plaza Restaurant – just down the street and turn right at the Ice Cream shop. If the weather is bad keep walking to the Tomorrowland Terrace for cover.

For those of you familiar with the Fiddler, Fifer & Practical Cafe in Disney California Adventure, the menus are almost identical.

Here are photos and a video of the new bakery!














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105 Replies to “Starbucks Opens in Magic Kingdom”

  1. I like Starbucks but also loved the old bakery and the way it was. However, the Nescafe coffee at Disney is fabulous, also served on the cruise line, and I will gladly drink that and Starbucks when I leave the park. Just don’t take away my PeopleMover or Carousel of Progress, then I will have a fit!

  2. My wife and I go to WDW about 3 times a year. Once each trip, we bee line it to the Main Street Bakery as soon as the park opens that morning, and have breakfast there. It’s something to which we truly look forward, and it’s a part of our tradition, every trip. We sit at a table in the Bakery, eating breakfast and watching through the windows as the crowds arrive and the park comes to life. There are no longer any tables inside the Bakery?? So much for tradition.

  3. I love Disney. I love to go there to get away. I love Starbucks. It is part of my daily routine. For me, this is a good marriage, however I also understand where the majority of my fellow Disney lovers are coming from. Not a lot of people like that corporate America is overruning our beloved Main Street, however it is now a part of our culture. At the same time, Disney is a company who understands their guests. If we don’t like something, they’ll fix it until they get it right. (I am still holding out for the triumphant return of the Adventurer’s Club…come on, guys!!) In the interim, if you don’t like Starbucks, just walk on by. If you do, enjoy your cup of coffee. Just remember what our bunny friend, Thumper, says: If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

  4. Addressing the comment of the person who said for people to get a grip on reality, the reality is that apparently a majority of people who enjoy going to and spending their hard earned money at Walt Disney World do not like the change.”

    No. The reality is that the majority of Disney fans who read obsessively, even when they aren’t going to be going to the World for a year or more, do not like this change. A majority of commenters and bloggers do not like this change. But a majority of people who to Disney World? Naw. The fact that this Starbucks location is packed on a daily basis goes to prove that the average person is darned happy to have their favorite brand of coffee in the World.

    I don’t much care for the change, I’ll definitely miss that MKB magic at the beginning and end of a long day in the Kingdom, but I can’t blame them for making what is clearly a sound business decision.

  5. I try to remember that since the beginning Walt Disney used products from big names. Think of Epcot, Sunshine Terrace, etc. I come from Seattle and am happy to get a good cup of coffee in the ‘World’, but agree the Starbucks baked goods are not that good. Luckily they just changed vendors and hopefully that will make its way to the MKB. I also like to remember that WDW is full of so many dining choices, that I can always find something else to eat that is delicious. And now, I can get at least one good cup of coffee too 🙂

  6. Coming late to the commentary here, but I am disappointed in this change. Like many commentators, we do not drink coffee, but stopping at the Bakery late at night on our way out has been a tradition. The apple turnovers were huge and delicious and a treat for breakfast in our room the next morning. We often would just relax for a bit, sharing one of the huge cookies or brownies, before leaving MK for the night. Starbucks baked goods are dry and tasteless. I, too, don’t understand why they couldn’t simply have added Starbucks coffee to the original bakery items. Obviously this was a business decision, but we won’t be supporting it.

  7. I was very sad when I heard that the Magic Kingdom Bakery was going to be Starbucks. We loved the bakery and all the delicious baked goods…
    especially the cinnamon rolls. Many friend have been to Disney World since the change and are very unimpressed. They say the baked goods are mediocre. I was thrilled to hear that the cinnamon rolls are now available in the new Fantasyland. I am looking forward to them. I will not be returning to the MKB and choose to remember it the way it was. Fantasyland is all about the Fantasy.

  8. Addressing the comment of the person who said for people to get a grip on reality, the reality is that apparently a majority of people who enjoy going to and spending their hard earned money at Walt Disney World do not like the change. Your point that it is a business and it is all about profit may be correct, and if it is then it would be prudent for a business to listen to their customer base rather than alienate them. The true reality is that Disney can do this kind of change that angers or saddens it most loyal of “customers” and yet those loyal “customers” still come back. Myself included.

  9. It is food people!!! Get over it!!! If a cinnamon bun can ruin your day or your vacation, then you have an incredibly worry free life! What would you do if Disney got rid of Coke products? Or Dole Whip? Or Earl of Sandwich? Or the Magical Express (Mears)? You would probably cry too!!! It’s business! And to all the people crying about “Walt would be so upset – wah wah wah- it’s all about profit now – wah wah wah”…. Please tell me one business out there who’s goal is to NOT make money??? I understand traditions, but GEEZ! Get a grip on reality people!!!

  10. A little disapointed. Not a fan of Starbucks to begin with and I just don’t understand the hype about the coffee. I think their coffe is priced way too high and their food is not good at all. Just a place we will pass by next trip.

  11. People who say it’s not a big deal because Disney has always had corporate sponsorships are missing the point. Disney is about fantasy, creating a “place” that exists only at Walt Disney World. Main Street is turn-of-the-last-century Midwest America; Starbucks was founded in 1971. Having it on Main Street is anachronistic. It takes you out of your old-timey existence, like Christopher Reeve when he pulled the penny out of his pocket in “Somewhere in Time.” Like a non-anachronistic American, I’m ag’in’ it!

  12. I for one am pleased! Two of my most favorite things…DW & Starbucks! Going in Nov and I will go to Starbucks as often as I can! Real coffee means a lot to me! It was a bold move but I think a good o e. no one complained when they brought McDonalds fries in! Disney is one of few companies NOT facing bankruptcy. They have raised their prices with the changing economy but who hasn’t? I think they know what they are doing. Plus, if Starbucks doesn’t make what is expected, DW will pull them out before it hurts either company

  13. OK, to everyone freaking out about the cinnamon rolls……calm down. They might not be sold at the MSB anymore but they certainly do still exist. Disney does not do things without understanding the consequences of their actions. Those gooey delights have made their way to New Fantasyland and can be purchased at Gaston’s Tavern. As the shirt says, “Keep Calm and go eat your cinnamon rolls.”

  14. Thrilled to see Starbuck’s in the Parks! Finally a great cup of coffee, a win-win for both. To all those who who deride Starbuck’s, you have like 99 other locations to get your Nescafe, industrial grade coffee in the park. Give those of us who like a good cup, just 1 location to enjoy it. Get over the cinnimon buns! If the indulgent offerings at Gaston’s Tavern don’t work for you, then really how many carb calories does one need? Times change. Personally, I miss the Nestle Toll House cookies that used be sold at Liberty Square near the castle. The Candy Store doesn’t measure up to the way it was years ago. The quality and unique selection are gone in favour of the generic corporate offerings that populate the shelves. Don’t hear grumblings about that.

  15. I’m a little flabbergasted at the reaction this change has received. As many others have pointed out, Disney has always had sponsorship from corporations. Disneyland would never have come into existence without outside help, which means we wouldn’t have had a Disney World to obsess about in the first place. I think Starbucks and Disney will make good partners, both for business and for guest relations. I work in a bookstore that has a Starbucks in it and the staff there are fantastic. I’d go so far as to say they are a little bit Disney. They know regular customer’s names and their favorite orders, making the interactions more personal and fun. And though I will miss the cinnamon buns, I could never eat a whole one anyways, just too sweet after the first few bites. I’d rather have a good cup of tea/coffee and a scone to start my day. And it’s not what you put in your mouth that counts at Disney anyways – it’s what you see and feel that make it so special. If your entire vacation can be ruined by seeing one Starbuck’s cup then I don’t think even Disney could meet your standards.

  16. Dole Whips, Nescafe, Brown Derby, are not Disney brands either but, they are enjoyed by many while at Disney. If they were not good for business, Disney would cease and assist to begin looking for the next “Big Thing” immediately. We all know how WDW evolves, changes, re-imagines, and improves. Some of their choices are great, others – not so much (Hint: New and not improved website)

  17. Just got back from Disney. We always stopped for quick breakfast at bakery before hitting the rides. What a disappointment! Starbucks offerings suck and aren’t even close to what was at bakery in size, quality or variety. All about money. Won’t be going back. At least still have bakery in H.S. unless that will be next to go.

  18. Disney has always been based around sponsors…McDonald’s had a fry stand, Coke is everywhere, Kodak signs point out a good place to take a picture. Just because Starbucks is a new brand, doesn’t mean it’s the first one to grace the gates of Disney.

    All I can say is yay for real coffee, the Nescafe was terrible.

  19. thank god, disney did the right thing and is starting to get rid of that crappy Nescafe coffee!! I am also glad that they are finally starting to do something about the TERRIBLE pasties they been serving for close to 10 years now. I miss those big as your head cinnamon rolls I used to eat over 10 years ago. Starbuck’s pasties are current better than what they been selling.

  20. We too are truly dissapointed having Starbucks anywhere at Disney! I will not give in and go to any of the locations they open, and I like good coffee but this is just not “Disney”!

  21. Any one who knows about Walt Disney, knows that he was always looking one step ahead. He was never finished with any project. He also was looking for sponsors for his attractions. I think while many are thinking that the Disney Company is only looking for profits by having a Starbucks on Main Street, Walt Disney probably would have been looking at it as improving on a project. Nothing is forever finished. Change may come again.

  22. I am very disappointed with this move. I visit WDW at least once a year and MSB was The first stop we made when going to Magic Kingdom. I drink Starbucks espresso drinks on a daily basis, sometimes more than one, but I have no interest in doing that on vacation at Disney. I especially wouldn’t want to trade the baked goods, specifically the cinnamon rolls, just to get a good cup of coffee. If they added Starbucks coffee to the menu that would be fine, and I probably would have gotten one with my cinnamon bun. If I wanted to go to a theme park that was all about generic name brand restaurants I would go to Six Flags. I enjoy Disney and pay more to go there because I enjoy going somewhere unique. As much as I love Disney and Starbucks, I believe this is a step in the wrong direction.

  23. In my opinion the MSB had already lost its luster several years ago. And the coffee was always terrible! I do think there were better options in terms of locations. When I first heard Starbucks was coming to WDW parks, I had envisioned it in the Writer’s Stop (forgive me if I got the name wrong) at Hollywood Studios. That just seems like the most logical placement. I will be happy to get my Venti Starbucks Double shot!

  24. I’ve read many of the comments and I sadly agree with everyone I’ve read.
    I’ve seen Main Street slowly disappear. No General Store,no “real” firehouse,no Main Street Cinema,now no real bakery.
    The Main Street Bakery, through the last renovation offered a good amount of seating, now I read there’s none. What were they thinking? Not customer comfort that’s for sure.
    This all seems like a BIG step backwards and one I’ll not participate in.
    How can I start my mornings on Main Street without the bakery? Not with Starbucks I can tell you that.

  25. Longtime Disney World fan and twice annual visitor and thrilled with the addition of Starbucks to the Magic Kingdom’s many food and beverage offerings. I can have good brewed coffee and a quick meal that isn’t a four alarm fat bomb? Count me in. I appreciate and embrace the nostalgia that Disney World’s fans have for every aspect of the place…then again, many things I held dear have been changed over time to make way for things that are more modern, or more profitable, or have broader appeal to a different audience than me. As many have posted here Disney World is a business and bringing in Starbucks in this way is a business decision. If you don’t want to enter the place, you do not need to…Maybe it will disappear, or maybe millions of other folks will keep it afloat…the business end will win out….Walk on by to the hundreds of other things in the park you enjoy. Personally, I’ll be there at the rope drop, stopping by for a nice string misto to get me going…

  26. Disney is a business and they do occasionally have missteps. I too worry about how Disney seems to be pushing the boundaries in many areas in the name of profits. I do believe though that they listen with their ears and their wallet. If enough people complain or skip the bakery all together, they will make adjustments.

  27. Bad, correction, very bad decision. MSB was a lovely place to relax and enjoy a bite and watch a parade. Starbucks coffee? No problem. Starbucks bakery? Extremely poor substitute.

  28. We just got back from our trip to the “World” and I rushed into our neighborhood Starbucks hoping it would feel like being back at the Mouse House. Nada. Just like when we rushed into the Main Street Bakery last week and they handed us the new menus. Nada.

    At best, they should just take the word “Bakery” off the front and just call it what it is, The Main Street Starbucks. Just like it was in Missouri in the 1890’s.

    I’ve always bemoaned the lack of good coffee at Disney World, but none of our favorite baked goods remain. They mostly have the same stuff you can get at any Starbucks anywhere in the country only at higher prices. Please do not spend your money there. This sort of endeavor should not be encouraged.

  29. Can anyone tell me if the cinnamon rolls are still available here? As long as they are, I’m happy, but if they’re not, I’m going to be really sad. They were the best!!!

    ALLEARS: The cinnamon rolls are no longer available at the bakery.

  30. NO CINNAMON ROLLS??? WHAT??!! I thought we were reassured some months back that the classic Main Street treats would stay, with the addition of Starbucks coffee and theming. I wasn’t crazy about big corporate Starbucks on Walt’s Main Street, but I’m not completely opposed to change, so I was open minded about it. And I like Starbucks coffee. But listen, I have tried Starbucks baked items numerous times, at numerous locations – they’re awful. Blah, dry, unappealing. If you’re starving they’ll do, but oh my goodness… we’ve gotten rid of Main Street’s amazing cinnamon rolls for Starbucks dry scones? Yuck!! 😛 I am sooooo disappointed!!

  31. I am shocked at the indignation here. I have been a huge Disney fan, making regular visits since the ’70’s. Corporate sponsorship has ALWAYS been a reality of WDW, as have renovations and demolitions. Given how behind the curve WDW has been in the trend to provide organic or sustainably sourced foods, I am reassured to see them partner with a company that opposes trans fats, supports fair trade practices and uses only RHGB free milk. If you want a cup of the same old Nescafé, go to ANY OTHER restaurant in the park.

  32. Coffee was not good before so this is a plus!!!
    I bet that after a few baked goods sit on the shelf awhile that maybe Disney will put the old tried and true Baked goods back on the menu.
    Unless Starbucks has a deal with them that they can only sell SB brand baked goods.

    But I did see Flat breads etc. so maybe keep your fingers crossed.

  33. Was in the store on Friday. We had been at Disney World for a week and my daughter had to have a Starbucks drink so we went in. From the moment I walked in it felt like I had left Disney World completely. Hated it, no Disney feel at all. We used to love eating a quick breakfast at the bakery in years past. I love coffee and really like Starbucks coffee but it just ruins the feel and the bakery items cannot compare to what Main Street bakery had. They should have left the Bakery how it was and just served Starbucks coffee.

  34. I was there for the grand opening and what a let down. This is no longer the Main Street Bakery featuring Starbucks coffee but Starbucks disguising itself as the Main Street Bakery. Yes, Starbucks took over. Coffee, baked goods and all. And why no seating? Like many have said, I feel as though Disney sold out and pulled the wool over our eyes with this one.

  35. I don’t really mind this that much if you can look at it from the angle that yes, many of us love Disney and have a very particular view of how Disney is for us or has been for our family, etc. But, we need to look at the fact that Disney is at the end of the day a business and they are governed by business decisions. When I am at the Magic Kingdom the change of the Main Street Bakery is not going to overall impact the nature of the day I have there. Now I have only been to WDW 3 times and I must admit that I have only eaten there once so it isn’t a “must do” for us. But, as many people who went to the bakery before, more might go now due solely to their brand recognition of having a Starbucks there. Disney claims the baked goods will reappear somewhere else so we will have to wait and see if that happens. If Disney really wanted to shield you from the outside they wouldn’t have Coca Cola glass signs all over the place (which by the way were on Main Street before) or Kodak signs or have those logos on the soda machines at the counter service restaurants. They could say “cola” and “lemon-lime” but Disney knows you’re more likely to buy a coke when you see the Coke sign than you are when you see “soda”. The argument I actually agree with the most is seeing the Starbucks cups around the park, but then I remembered that people carry Coke and Sprite bottles all around the park too. So I don’t know. I do think Disney gave Starbucks a little too much in this partnership but we will just have to see how it plays out.

  36. Looking at the pictures, I’m not as irritated as I thought I would be. After all, it doesn’t look like a mall Starbucks. They obviously put effort into making it blend in with the Main Street decor.

    To be honest, I never really used to go to the old bakery. The layout was cramped, so it was always too crowded to bother with. I don’t drink coffee, so I can’t comment on old vs. new on that. I will say that as a tea drinker, it will be really nice to have options beyond a generic Lipton tea bag.

  37. I’m looking forward to being able to get real coffee going in and coming out of the Magic Kingdom. But, then again, I just want plain coffee-hot and iced! 🙂

  38. Here’s the good thing: If you hate it, there’s a chance it will eventually be gone, like the McDonalds. Don’t patronize it, and if it does poorly enough, I am sure they will change it. For every negative design, I think Disney is doing a decent job of keeping up tradition with modern things like Pixar. For a corporation, not bad. How many other corporation takeovers stayed as faithful to the originator?

    My opinion: I don’t hate it, the renovation looks actually fairly nice, but there should be some seating. I think the photos emphasize Starbucks, but its not that overpowering. I can’t see it from the picture, but i would like to see if its the typical Barista setup like Starbucks, or are they just pouring coffee.

  39. I honestly and sadly have to say boo to this… I go to Disney and the Magic Kingdom especially to ESCAPE the outside world… now there’s a commercial icon of it right on Main Street. Very disappointed.

  40. Wow I’m surprised at all the negative comments. I love starbucks! and always thought this would be a great match. I always thought it would be a kiosk stand like the mcdonalds fries though. I do understand that having starbucks in mainstreet is messing with the theme but I’m glad it’s at Disney now.

  41. I don’t know how I feel about this. I LOVE Starbucks coffee and drinks, but at the same time I loved the smell of the Main Street Bakery. Since my boyfriend’s mother is the manager at a Starbucks, I usually get their baked goods for free every once in awhile (I have a whole loaf of walnut bread sitting in my fridge lol), and Starbuck’s baked goods isn’t as great as MSB’s. When I first heard that MSB will be serving Starbuck’s coffee, I was thrilled. But I imagined the bakery to be almost the same, but with a few baristas and a “Disney-fied” Starbucks menu on the side. However, it looks like Starbucks might’ve gotten more on their end of the bargain since the entire bakery is transformed into a Starbucks and increased their prices on their baked goods (bummer). Needless to say, at least I can start my mornings in MK off with a tall caramel macchiato 🙂

  42. Starbucks, oh no!!! The worst coffee brewed in this country although it is brewed with the same consistency. Whether I have tried it in San Diego, Dallas, Las Vegas, Atlantic City, or NYC it was the same: bitter, burnt-tasting, and over priced. As you see I have give Starbucks many opportunities to get it right, but to no avail. Disney how can you put this dreck on Main Street. I’ll miss the MSB.

  43. I like Starbucks (not my favourite though) but I never liked the Nescafe ‘coffee’ they serve in the parks. I’m glad I will be able to buy something that tastes like real coffee. I tend to bypass Main St in the mornings so I can’t say I care that MSB got renovated. It seems like a hot topic, so maybe instead of complaining on a blog post, make an official complain to the Disney company. I doubt they would get rid of Starbucks, but it couldn’t be that hard to bring back some of the old favourite baked goods.

  44. I don’t understand. Why didn’t they keep the existing bakery as it was and just add the Starbucks coffee to the menu? Was the bakery not making enough profit?

  45. Calm down everyone! McDonald’s came and went. Starbuck’s has come and will go. Just be patient, find a new “treat” and start a new tradition. We who can only go to WDW once every 5-10 years don’t feel your pain.

  46. People, people, people. There has /always/ been a corporate presence in Disney theme parks. Right from opening day at Disneyland to the present. Starbucks is just the latest in a long line of corporate sponsors. Why the wailing and gnashing of teeth over this one, while Coca-Cola, Kodak, and Monsanto barely merited a passing glance?

  47. I go to Disney World to get away from the real world for a few days; the last thing I want to see are Starbucks cups walking around Main Street. Very sad Disney, very sad.

  48. My family and I always made a tradition of having breakfast at MSB. We loved the ham & cheese croissants and now that Starbucks has moved in we can no longer purchase our favorite items. I feel that Disney made a bad move with bringing Starbucks into the park.
    The whole idea behind Main Street is a tribute to Walt’s childhood memories of his own hometown. This goes against that theming. I agree with many others posting that by moving in this company – what’s to stop them from bringing in a Wendy’s, etc.
    Usually I applaud all things Disney – but this move is very disappointing as my family had a tradition of breakfast each visit to the park – and now we can no longer do this. If the parks want to incorporate a new trend business into the parks – consider the theming. Maybe Starbuck’s would have been better placed into Tomorrowland versus Main Street. We just returned from our vacation this week and were very disappointed with this change. Please reconsider this choice Disney — I believe a lot of your loyal visitors would be happier if you left MSB as it was. Think about it.

  49. Starbucks? Really? after being to Disney over 500 times in my 50 years of life, I am truly over it. I didn’t renew my annual pass this year for the first time in a can;t tell you how many years. I stopped staying at Disney resorts a few years ago when i realized they censor the TV’s in the rooms and horrific stay at the Grand Floridian where they shut off the power ever night of my stay for maintenance (I sleep with a cpap machine) They wouldn’t change my room or compensate me (i think i paid over 500/nite). Disney has lost it luster for me. This is just another sell out of a company that was built on one man’s dream. Maybe we need a real Disney family member who respects Walt’s dream to run the company. RIP Walt, they have corrupted your dreams for the sake of money.

  50. Disney is all for profit and has been since Walt Disney died.

    The only way that we have any control over what the corporate heads is to vote with our feet.

    Unfortunately there are millions of people that don’t remember the original vision of Walt Disney, and only see the hype that is now presented to the public as the Magic Kingdom.

    Starbucks is just another profit maker for the owners and it will not be the last change for profit we will see.

  51. Although change is difficult I for one will be looking forward to getting my refresher fix even when I’m at my home away from home. Thanks Disney for adding Starbucks to your menu.

  52. I am not a coffee drinker,nor can i say that I am a regular at the bakery. But putting Starbucks in Disney World sounds like a big finacial gain for Disney. What a shame…they should have just added the coffee not let Starbucks take over the bakery. I will NOT be going into Starbucks…shame on you Disney!

  53. I really don’t understand the issues people are having with the Starbucks. I feel it is very tastefully presented – the designers left a lot of the old-timey hometown feel and have very limited Starbucks logo placements. There used to be McDonalds fries stands at MK, and McDonalds at AK & DD. They were ALWAYS crowded – and the Main Street Bakery doesn’t look like it lost much business…

  54. Main Street USA is supposed to be old timey….iconic. A step back in time to when things were simple. A Starbucks commercializes it. What’s next, changing the barber shop to a Supercuts? It’s not the same. The bakery was a favorite stop of ours every year. Now it’s one thing to cross off our list of must do’s.

  55. It will be interesting to see IF Disney pays any attention to what THEIR Guest are saying or if profit from the deal that Starbucks is paying them is worth more to Disney

  56. I see so many negative posts about this! I just had to add another! I was one of the many people thst headed to the bakery for breakfast every time i went to the MK. it made for a great morning. though the last time the cinnamon roll was subpar unlike the amazingness it usually is. I have to say, id like to know how much starbucks paid to get into this location… or even why disney decided to get rid of the bakery items. Sadly, nothing will be done about it because the average vacationer isnt going to know what was there, see a starbucks, and say “i love starbucks, gottaget some coffee!” and now starbucks makes lots of money and disney gets to nice of a portion of the money to care about MSB

  57. How disappointing that the Disney baked goods are gone! If I want Starbucks disgusting baked stuff I can walk 2 blocks in my town and get them! They have no taste and certainly aren’t not a cheese Danish or croissant from MSB! We go to Disney part for the memories and traditions!
    Disney seems to be taking all the traditions away!! How is the new bakery in France? same disappointing thing?? If I cant get a strawberry tart in Epcot I am going to cry!!

  58. I wasn’t happy about the idea of Starbucks coming into Disney world, and i’m still not happy about it. put it in tomorrow land or even epcot! but leave walt’s main street alone. it was perfect before, now I’m not even sure I want to go into the bakery.

  59. I actually don’t mind the whole starbucks idea! There isn’t one close to where I live so it’ll be a treat when we go in december!

  60. What’s next, replacing The crystal palace for McDonalds?, I am not gonna change my vacation or bring my coffee pot like others say , but it sucks that the old bakery is gone.

  61. I’m 9 years old and very disappointed that Disney has turned the Main street Bakery into a Starbucks. At first when I heard that it was just going to be a Starbucks with cinnamon rolls and the other loved by everyone treats I was fine with it. Disney needs to have Disney themed restaurants. When I went in Feb. I tried the cinnamon rolls from Gaston’s Tavern and, like everyone said, they’re not the same. I cried last night when I heard the news.

  62. As I recall, in the early 90’s the bakery was sponsored by Nestlé and made the most wonderful fresh-baked toll house cookies in the World. But otherwise the bakery was as we remember it with a variety of other baked goods. I was sad to see the cookies go some time ago but thankful that otherwise the bakery remained intact. This is how Starbucks should have been integrated into the bakery.

  63. I don’t mind Starbucks coffee in MK, but did they HAVE to desecrate MSB to bring it in? Now most of the classic bakery items are gone and replaced with blueberry scones and such. As big as MK is, SURELY they could have found another space for a Starbucks.

  64. We used to love the bakery for it’s apple turnovers it was a sweet treat that the whole family loved! Change the coffee if you must but you could have left the rest alone, including the seating, very disappointed.

  65. Am I the only person who loved the old Disney coffee?! Plain and simple coffee. Not bitter and strong…what a bummer! I will be bringing my own and a coffee pot now when I travel to WDW.

    But that isn’t what I am disappointed in. HOW could they have a bakery – or even a Starbucks! – with NO SEATING?! That is just absurd.

    The iconic bakery favorites NEED to be brought back, and who knows, with enough guest complaints it may happen!

  66. I am angry that Disney took away the bakery and replaced it with a Starbucks. I used to enjoy those cinnamon buns and ham & cheese croissants with my family sitting inside the bakery. I think its time to start taking my family to other places for vacation time.

  67. Really disappointed, if I wanted starbucks I would go to the local mall, whats the next move changing the liberty tree in to a TGIF’s or maybe a taco bell in Mexico. You go to Disney to get things you can’t get everyday.

  68. No cinnamon rolls???? They really should have stopped at the coffee. I agree with the posts that mention the availability of good coffee and I don’t have a problem with a lot of Starbucks’ food. I can get it everyday – and that’s the point. The Magic Kingdom should not be an “everyday” sort of day. Bring back the real bakery!!! (With better coffee!)

  69. Ok, all this addition stuff is getting on my last nerves. I am but a teen, but I am a Disney freak. And the Magic+ and the Starbucks are not ok to add. The bakery is an all time favorite to a ton of Disney visitors for a breakfast stop, and like other people that have commented, I believe that putting a Starbucks in to the Magic Kingdom to replace the Bakery is not ok. At Disney, the bakery was the place to remembered for the great breakfast food and dining. What happened to the memories?

  70. I left the day before they opened. I was so bummed about this. I love Starbucks and would enjoy a cup when visiting MK but I miss the bakery items so. We used to get the big cinnamon rolls on the way home for the next AM breakfast or we would get them in the AM and sit and watch people. Why couldn’t they just have the coffee and keep the MK bakery items.

    I tried the Boardwalk Bakery near the Boardwalk resort thinking maybe they would have similar things – they didn’t. Boo- whooo!

  71. As a frequent visitor to the Magic Kingdom, although a huge Starbucks fan, I am disappointed in the decision Disney made in allowing Starbucks to totally take over both beverage and bakery. There is no substitute for the bakery items sold at the Main Street bakery. My routine most evenings, (as wll as the day we would depart) was to buy a cinnamon bun for breakfast the following morning…..15 seconds in the microwave with a cup of coffee was a great way to start a day. I tried the cinnamon buns sold at Gaston’s in the new Fantasy Land……….not the same. It is a sad day when Disney can’t keep with traditions and have to add a further element of “corporate” to our vacations when we try to leave that at home, if only for the moment……….

  72. I am very disappointed in Disney for allowing Starbucks to take over the Bakery. My daughter and I alwasy looked forward to our cinnamon rolls on our annual trip to Disney, we are very sad that this tradition has ended. Disney is moving to more commerical stores and it is very sad that the Happiest Place on Earth is becoming that way. Disney was always a place were what you purchased and ate there was specific to Disney and not items you could get at home. They made a very big mistake and you wont see my family spending money in a Starbucks.

  73. The “updating” of Main Street Bakery is very disappointing. In itself is not a huge deal but combined with countless other “improvements” have made Disneyworld a less special place. As to the point made by others to complain and Disney will make changes. When this change was first announced on the DisneyParksBlog, I was surprised at all the comments in support of the change. I wrote a comment expressing my disappointment. When I checked later in the day, my comment was removed. I emailed DisneyParksBlog as to why and never received a response. That is probably why there were so many “positive” comments.

  74. Just the beverage I want to enjoy at the Magic Kingdom while I’m trying to get away from the daily grind of the real world….”One Super Grande Mochafrappachinolatte PLEASE ” !!!… I can see it now…long lines, followed by a mulitude of cups(both empty & full) left where they are finished…Maybe the Imagineers can pump in the scent of fresh baked cinnamon rolls for effect…Not sure if Walt would approve of this move…

  75. Stopping at the WDW Main St Bakery for a cinnamon roll was a tradition every visit since my husband & I honeymooned there 24yrs ago. We’re going back to celebrate our 25th next year with our daughters and sadly no cinnamon rolls. Too many changes are taking away from Walt’s dream if this being the most magical place. Very sad!

  76. I am really disappointed that Disney sold out to Starbucks and dismantled MSB. It has always been a family favorite and the times we have been there it was always quite busy. Their pastries and snacks were delicious and reasonable. I think Disney could have easily taken away one of the multitude of their retail establishments to make the space for Starbucks, they have plenty of them selling the same things. Eliminating the seating sterilizes it even further.

    A definite step back for Disney…..

  77. No cinnamon rolls!?! No chocolate chunk cookies?!? I’m very sad to see the old MSB go. Now MK Main Street is just like any other Main Street. I agree with the previous poster that said this replaicement is akin to the Emporium being replaced with WalMart. Sell out move, Disney.

  78. I am excited to see Starbucks there. I NEVER saw MSB as iconic. The last time I went to the old MSB, the Ice Cream Sandwich was terrible. But hey, I think School Bread is horrible too.

  79. I agree that Disney is becoming just another place. The Bakery was always a favorite and the Magic Kingdom is just not the place for that. I was in the minority camp that also thought the MK was tainted by the decisions made concerning the Be Our Guest restaurant as well and now coupling that with this is really irritating for me. Will you still be able to get the chocolate croissants and things like that at the certain restaurants that had them already or are they now a thing of the past? You can call Disney and complain to City Hall and they told me that they do take these things seriously and if they get enough complaints they will change their policy. I highly doubt in this case it will help though.

  80. I am an avid Starbucks coffee drinker. Grabbing a cup of decent coffee for early mornings in the park will be awesome. However they are certainly lacking in the quality food department. Wish we could have had the best of both worlds, but then dreams stopped coming true a Disney World for awhile now. It certainly is not the park of my youth.

  81. I am not very happy about this. This would be like Disney replacing the Main Street Emporium with a small Wal-Mart to me.

    Bad move Disney. I will NEVER purchase anything at this establishment as long as it bears the Starbucks name.

  82. Wow, I thought they were just adding Starbuck’s coffee to their menu, didn’t realize that Starbuck’s has taken over the entire bakery, how disappointing. We used to stop by the bakery before we left the park to enjoy some of their delicious baked goods. It was a relaxing way to end the day. They have taken away all the seating inside! I cannot get over that. Disney has lost a gem when they handed over their bakery to Starbucks.

  83. The coffee I do not have a problem with. I like Starbucks for thier coffee and do not have huge problem with that being added. Starbucks pastries on the other hand? Garbage. Take away the seating as well? Living in FL with annual passes we are at Disney often and used to enjoy stopping at the bakery now my wife and I agree we have no reason to go to this place again. Serving Starbucks pastries is insulting to place that calls itself a bakery.

  84. I agree with everyone. I thought it was just me, but I too am disappointed that Starbucks has taken over. Disney is supposed to be unique and original, and Starbucks is not that at all. Disney needs to bring back our bakery favorites, what can we do to make it happen?!

  85. I am sad to see this change! You will not see me entering the bakery as we did many mornings of our yearly trip to Disney. Dislike Starbucks and don’t want to see things I could get at home in Disney! That’s what makes Disney special…waiting for that chocolate croissant or cheese Danish at the Main St. Bakery. I ditto what has been said above -frozen, and brought in on a truck!! Bring back the old MSB!!! Won’t be visiting that old favorite! SOOOO disappointed in Disney!

  86. I was really excited to see Starbucks coming into Disney but I didn’t think it would take over the whole bakery. I thought it would be an addition to the regular items. I’m so glad I got a cinnamon roll the last time I was there. It was the last one on the tray and they scraped up extra yumminess and put it on top. What a shame.

  87. What a shame on SO many levels. Starbucks baked goods are wretched. Another wonderful place ruined, just like the French Bakery in Epcot. Pity.

  88. So sad , I hate that disney is getting something like starbucks, I don’t drink coffee but that’s not it . You can go to a starbucks anywhere , when we go to Disneyworld it is to get away from the everyday stuff, and seeing it there just brings you back to any other place you visit, not happy about it at all. :C

  89. I know I may be in the minority here, but I’m really happy about the Starbucks going in. Starbucks has high quality coffee, which unfortunately can’t be said for Disney coffee. Plus, I’m a huge fan of their breakfast sandwiches and the reduced fat coffee cake is to die for! I’ll look forward to using my counter meals here!

  90. I am not a coffee drinker and if the pastries Starbucks offers are the same ones that are in their regular stores, these are no where near as good as the bakery had. I know coffee drinkers will be happy but us sweet addicts are not.

  91. For a company known for family magic and memories, I don’t understand how Disney can “retire” the bakery like it was Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. Do they have any idea of the disappointment they’ve created? Not everything needs to be upgraded. I’ll miss sitting in the sweetheart chairs sharing a cinnamon bun with the kids. Change the coffee – YES – but leave the rest alone. Seriously, I really don’t want to juggle coffee and pastry through the crowd hoping to find an empty table at the Plaza.

  92. I agree, BIG mistake on Disney’s part, they should have just included the coffee part of Starbuck’s and left the baked goods up to Disney. what will we do without our cinnamon buns?

  93. I would have to agree with the previously mentioned comments about the cinnamon rolls….My family and I are long time Disney fans who go to Disney every year. I have to say we were extremely disappointed to see the “old” version of the bakery go as it was tradition for my dad and I to stop by before closing at the MK and take rolls back to our favorite Disney hotel in conclusion of the night. It may have been a small tradition but I am still sad to see it go!

  94. I am very saddened by this change to the bakery as I am not a coffee drinker, but the baked goods were a favorite treat. These baked goods look like frozen, boxed or pre-baked goods shipped in on a truck. 🙁

  95. I agree I am so happy to have good Starbucks coffee in Disney but that’s all it should have been. Losing the charm of the bakery is a shame. Disney made a mistake giving up that much control it should have just been a corporate sponsor like so many other companies have been or are.

  96. I’m pretty angry about this. It’s just a Starbucks now, no Disney feel at all. I’m a FL resident who goes to MK pretty often, and I’m sorry but I refuse to go in this “bakery” now.

  97. Yeah!! Finally decent coffee. I hope there is more than 2-3 expresso machines as the lines can get very long-who wants to wait 20 minutes for their drink after the wait in line to order.

  98. I am very glad they have real coffee now, the coffee was bad before. I am a little sad looking at what the bakery is now. I have fond memories of stopping by the bakery each time we go to Aisney, and eating some of the very naughty cin buns. The memory of the first time my oldest daughter was at disney and at the bakery is priceless. Having almost no seating is kinda sad 🙁