The Unusual Place You’ll Actually Spend Tons of Time in Your Disney World Hotel

We bet you’ve spent a lot of time planning your Disney World trip.

Art of Animation Resort

You’ve figured out your budget, you’ve picked out a hotel, you know how long you’re staying, and you’ve made plans on what rides will be your priorities. However, there’s one thing you may not have planned for and it has something to do with your hotel. We’ll just warn you now: you might end up spending way more time there than you originally imagined.

Disney Vacation Planner

This one is going to surprise you…but the one place at your Disney World hotel you’ll end up spending a lot of time in is…the arcade. Yep, the arcade. Why? Well, if you have kids, this is almost inevitably where your kids will want to be. Sure, you spent THOUSANDS on your Disney World vacation and have plans for all these incredible experiences, but a regular old video game arcade could be the highlight of the trip for your children.

Arcade at Art of Animation

So, just in case, we’ll tell you how arcades work in Disney World. They are usually open from around 8AM to midnight. Like any other arcade, playing games does cost money: anywhere from a quarter to $1 to play. You’ll need to get a card from a vending machine at your resort arcade with a stored dollar amount on it — note that these cards can be reloaded and used multiple times. The cool thing about the cards is that you can use them at other Disney World hotels, too.

Animal Kingdom Lodge arcade

Also, did you know that some of the machines dispense tickets that can be turned in for prizes? Yep, you can do that, too. And kids will certainly want to. You can earn tickets for things like little plastic souvenirs, plushes, and more.

All Star Movies

So you might want to schedule a little downtime in the middle of each day for your kids to play games in the arcade. They’ll want to, and you’ll also appreciate the break.

Port Orleans Riverside Arcade

It’s sort of like the pool: a lot of children would prefer to go swimming than visit the parks. That’s just the nature of having kids. In other words, be prepared to change up your day a little bit so they can do something they really want to (and pack swimsuits).

Check back with AllEars again soon for more!

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