7 Things That Will Happen If You Book 10 Lightning Lanes In One Day in Disney World

UPDATE: Genie+ is getting some big changes as of July 24th. Read all about them right here!

Part of my job is doing challenges to ride as much as I can in Disney World, and that means I’ve gotten VERY good at using Disney’s paid skip-the-line service, Genie+.

Quincy in Magic Kingdom

Disney says that with Genie+, you can expect to skip 2-3 Lightning Lanes per day. Well, I typically skip around 10 lines per day and have skipped as many as 24 lines in ONE day with Genie+. So, I’m here to tell you 7 things that will happen if you book a lot of Lightning Lanes in one day.

Now, if you want to see HOW to book a lot of Lightning Lanes, you can learn all about that with this video!

But here’s what to expect when you do.

1. You’ll have overlapping plans. 

Lightning Lanes are a one-hour window so if you book one at 2:30PM and one at 3:25PM, your My Disney Experience app will tell you “You have overlapping plans during this time.” But DON’T PANIC! That means you have from 2:30PM to 3:30PM for your first Lightning Lane and from 3:25PM to 4:25PM for your second — A.K.A. plenty of time to make it to both.

Cinderella Castle

Overlapping plans are nothing to be worried about, just make sure you’re keeping an eye on what your day looks like so you don’t accidentally book something impossible like giving yourself less than an hour to get between two parks.

Click here to learn more about the Disney World app!

2. You won’t want to plan on other timed experiences.

When you’re booking a lot of Lightning Lanes in one day, you’re going to be pretty beholden to those return times. Don’t plan on any lengthy experiences and you may not want to plan on any specifically timed experiences either.

Animal Kingdom

Table service reservations can really be a problem with a lot of Lightning Lanes as can aiming for certain longer shows in the parks like Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular and Finding Nemo: The Big Blue… and Beyond!

Want to learn more about dining reservations? Click here!

3. You will be zig-zagging across the parks.

This one is no fun but if you have the expectation that it’s going to happen, it really isn’t as bad. If you are hoping to maximize Genie+, you’ll probably be booking all of the more popular rides earlier in the day (even with later return times).

Magic Kingdom’s Haunted Mansion

This makes it almost impossible to plan a path so you’ll probably be zig-zagging around to make all your Lightning Lanes — more steps but less wainting in line.

Click here to learn about planning MISTAKES!

4. You’ll want to modify a Lightning Lane or two. 

When you’re booking a lot of Lightning Lanes, odds are one or two will end up being inconvenient or something you’d rather do will pop up. Don’t be afraid to modify your Lightning Lanes! You can book a different time for an attraction (if you run into the overlapping plans problem) or even a different attraction altogether.

Spaceship Earth

Whatever you do, though, avoid canceling! If you cancel a Lightning Lane you’ll have to restart the 2-hour cooldown before you can book another.

Click here to learn about modifying Lightning Lanes!

5. You might get an Experience Redemption. 

This is something that can happen even if you have just one Lightning Lane but it’s more likely if you are booking a lot. When an attraction goes down during your return window (and attractions go down all the time), you’ll get issued and Experience Redemption.

Just look at that view!

And Experience Redemption will free up the Lightning Lane you booked (like you never booked it in the first place) and instead give you an anytime return to that attraction and maybe even to other attractions if you’d like to use it for something else. Pretty handy when you’re trying to maximize your day!

Want to learn more about Genie+? Click here!

6. You may choose to park hop. 

Now, Genie for multiple parks is typically a bit more expensive than it is for a single park but if you want to skip the longer lines, you might want to park hop and skip more heavy hitters instead of using Genie on attractions that don’t need it.

EPCOT Monorail — that’s the Peach one!

For instance, Dumbo the Flying Elephant often drops to a 5 or 10 minute wait, so you may want to just wait for Dumbo and park hop to do a heavy hitter, like Tower of Terror, elsewhere.

Click here to learn about park hopping in Disney World!

7. Most importantly, you’ll get your money’s worth. 

Genie+ can be EXPENSIVE — up to $39 per person at the time of writing! Skipping 2-3 lines just isn’t going to cut it for getting your money’s worth. That’s why, if you’re going for Genie+, do your research and aim high!


Remember to watch the video above to make sure you know your way around Genie+ so it’s worth the spend! And keep an eye on AllEars.Net for more Genie+ tips and updates!

Click here for our ultimate guide to Genie+!

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How many Lightning Lanes have you been able to snag? Tell us in the comments! 

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