I Used to IGNORE This Disney World Perk. I’ll Never Make That Mistake Again.

It’s been about 2 months since I was last in Disney World and WOW am I missing it desperately!

Oh Disney World, how I miss you!

I’ve loved hearing about all the new Disney World attractions and additions that were announced at D23 and am SO looking forward to what the next few years will bring. My next trip is planned for late September (SO LONG TO WAIT, AGH) so I can experience Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, but can I be honest? I’m also looking forward to getting a chance to experience this SUPER simple Disney World perk again after ignoring it for years!

My last trip, which was in June, was my first time experiencing Disney World in the heat of summer. Yes, it’s NOT for the faint of heart, but I’m from Georgia and have been there majority of my life, so I’m very used to heat and humidity together and the havoc they wreak.

Sweating up a storm, but that’s okay!

However, I wanted to take some precautions to make sure my energy could last me throughout the day. I made sure my insulated water bottle was filled before I left my Airbnb and had plans to refill it the moment it got empty, slathered on tons of sunscreen and had it in my bag to reapply throughout the day, and wanted to be sure I wasn’t going to be running back and forth all over the parks to conserve energy (failed on this one, not gonna lie).

Taking breaks is very important too!

When I parked in Animal Kingdom and prepared to walk towards the park, I noticed the parking tram was just about ready to pull up. Shockingly, I’d never used one of Disney World’s parking trams before! When I visited for the first time as an adult, it was in early 2021 before they returned. I don’t have any trouble walking, and I figured the tram might actually take me longer than walking, so I’d never chosen to take it before. This day, I decided to switch it up in efforts to save some energy since I knew it would be a long day.

Parking trams at Animal Kingdom

MY LIFE HAS BEEN CHANGED! It sounds so silly to say since it’s literally just a 5 minute or less ride that saves you some walking, but when you’re about to walk countless miles in the Disney World parks in that summer heat, saving any steps is entirely worth it in my opinion.

I am now obsessed with parking trams

Now, I say this as a solo adult traveler who didn’t need to get kids settled or fold strollers or has a mobility aid, so I know this isn’t the case for everyone. But if you’re like me and you’re solo or traveling with a smaller older group, might as well save that energy! While it’s not air conditioned, the breeze you get when you drive is immaculate, and it is covered to protect you from the sun, which drops the temperature a few degrees as well. Plus, once I got to my destination, I was more than ready to power walk away (especially helpful when I got in front of everyone heading towards security just by walking faster).

Parking tram

I proceeded to then use the parking trams EVERY TIME for the rest of the day, which was a whopping total of 5 times (back from DAK, to the TTC, from the TTC, to EPCOT, and from EPCOT — told y’all it was gonna be a busy day!). Not only was it like a ride in itself (especially because I LOVE riding on trains), but the Cast Members were HILARIOUS! Especially as it got later and later in the day, I heard some laugh-out-loud jokes that rivaled those at Jungle Cruise.

Tram in the loading zone

So if you’ve never taken the parking trams before and it’s a good fit for your group, I suggest trying it out at least once! If you’re looking for a less crowded ride, you’ll want to avoid opening and closing park times, give or take about an two hours to be safe. Any other times during the day, you’ll likely see them mostly empty and you can sit far away from other people to have your own space.

Be sure to stay tuned to AllEars for the latest Disney World tips and tricks!

Your Spirit Airlines flight is about to be a LOT different — don’t panic like I did, it’s better than you think!

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