Over the last year, we’ve seen a lot of health and safety recommendations.

From mask mandates to temperature screenings and stay-at-home orders, things have changed quite a bit. Recently, many things have begun to reopen with the rise of vaccination rates and mask mandates have disappeared, but now the Orange County, FL mayor has a new recommendation.
In a press conference today on COVID-19, Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings recommended that all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, wear masks while indoors.

Orange County is now back in the high-risk category, according to the CDC. In the conference, Demings said the following in response: “I am announcing today that it is my official recommendation that Orange County return to the status in which it is recommended that all residents, vaccinated and unvaccinated, consider wearing facial coverings indoors when in crowded environments.”

No official mandate has been announced at this time, but we’ll make sure to keep you updated with any news. Mask mandates were just recently relaxed at major theme parks in the area like Universal Orlando and Disney World. Stay tuned to AllEars for the latest information on this recommendation and any follow-up stories.
Click Here to Learn More About Disney World’s Mask Policy!
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Even though my husband and I got vaccinated we still wear masks in crowed areas. Too many people have still not got theirs, for whatever reason. I would rather be on the safe side. My opinion.
I was thinking the same thing yesterday as I was contemplating my September trip to Disney. At first I thought I’d only bring a few masks, just in case, but after reading about the rise in variant covid cases in the Orlando area, I realized that we’d need to bring our usual supply. I’m okay with that because they’re all Disney masks and will fit the occasion.
The mask relaxing should’ve never happened. There are too many people refusing to get the vaccine with no regard to others. I hope the mask mandate comes back.
I am with you. I am fully vaccinated since April & still wear a mask when I am at a store or even in a crowd outside. My son had Covid in Feb & spent 5 days in the hospital & a month on oxygen at home. He still has lasting issues. This is no joke