Is it Real or a Pangani Forest Exploration Trail Prop?

Light Meter by Lisa K. Berton

We’ve come to expect well-detailed attractions, resorts, restaurants, and even restrooms from Disney. Let’s face it, we’re spoiled and we have high expectations. But every once in a while, don’t you just stop and look at something and ask yourself, is it real or a prop? Well, I do that too, more often than you would think. On my most recent visit to Animal Kingdom, I finally took a photo of the bookcase inside the research building along the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail.

In preparation for this week’s blog, I began researching those bottles of water sitting on the shelves. As it turns out, they are real. Bottled by Nairobi Mineral Water in Mombasa, they are a licensed product. I personally wouldn’t drink them, the park’s been open for nearly 16 years.


What will catch your attention next time?

Disney Pic of the Week – Pangani Forest Exploration Trail

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3 Replies to “Is it Real or a Pangani Forest Exploration Trail Prop?”

  1. That article got me curious. Did you know that in 2012 there were 104 licensed bottled water companies in Kenya? With Nairobi Bottled Water Company being just one of those. And as far as I can tell, you are not able to import these. Maybe if you win the Kenyan lottery or your long lost uncle was royalty.

    As for background decor at Disney, I love to take a look at how far they go and how perfectly it fits.

    Lisa responds: Yes, and one can dig into the bad news about the various water bottlers, too. How did you know about the Kenyan lottery won by my long lost uncle who, by the way, was a prince and I am the only heir to his fortune but can’t claim it until I wire a bunch of money to some guy in London.

  2. I love all the details. After going to Walt Disney World a few times, I have lots of pictures of Mickey, and all the gang. Last trip, though, I approached the photos a little differently. Other than a few pics of the castle in Magic Kingdom, you may not even know they’re Disney pictures. Lots of roof tops, light fixtures, birds and bird feeders. There really is more to it all, so many layers to explore.

    Lisa responds: Absolutely! My pal Jack Spence is like a king of knowledge on Disney’s detail. I hope he saw my post.

  3. I realize that I rush through the parks and don’t pay attention to the details that are all around me. I have read so many articles about the great details in and around Walt Disney World and I think, the next time I go, I’m going to stop and just look around. Well I also found out that you have to be careful about where you stop to look around because there is a good chance you’ll get run over. Thanks for the great photo and information. The next time I go I will stop and look more closely. I love going on the trails at Animal Kingdom. There are so many great opportunities for taking wonderful photos while walking them.

    Lisa responds: Yes, be careful where you stop. I always try to move off to the side if the park’s busy and wait to pop back over to where I was to get a specific shot.