At D23: The Ultimate Disney Fan Event, Disney shared that a new Hercules show would be premiering aboard the Disney Destiny. “Disney Hercules” will be the signature production on the new ship which sets sail next year in 2025.
Soon after the initial announcement of this new show, Disney released more details about what guests on the Disney Destiny can expect from it. It has been created exclusively for the Disney Destiny and will stay true to the story and spirit of the movie Hercules, according to Disney. It will showcase a “bold, modern adaptation tailor-made for the stage.”
There will be a range of theater to pop music with awesome vocals, amazing visuals, cool projection effects, and more. The Muses will take you through the ancient story of good vs. evil as the storytellers. You’ll hear songs you know from the movie as well as the theatrical debut of “Shooting Star.” The songs may be the same, but you’ll hear them in new arrangements pulling on pop and gospel influences.
We’re looking forward to embarking on this ship next year! Currently, it is still under production as Disney just recently released many details about it. It will be a fun addition to the cruise line.
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