Why Fans Are SKIPPING EPCOT’s Newest Restaurant

You would think Disney World fans would be excited about a new restaurant in EPCOT (which arguably, may have some of the best food in Disney World).

Japan Pavilion

We’re talking about Shiki-Sai Sushi Izakaya, which just opened in the Japan Pavilion in the World Showcase. Although the restaurant offers a unique take on Japanese food, as well as a fun environment, many Disney World fans just aren’t that interested in eating there. 

We asked you, our readers, if you planned on visiting the new restaurant, and we were a bit surprised by how many of you said you weren’t.

Now some of you ARE planning to eat there, and some of you even have made advance dining reservations for Shiki-Sai, but many of you just said “nope.” So let’s take a look at some of the reasons WHY you don’t think Shiki-Sai is a MUST for your next Disney World trip.

Grilled Wagyu Gyoza at Shiki-Sai


Overwhelmingly, many of our readers aren’t big fans of the prices at Shiki-Sai. This is a place with a $300 Sushi boat, and for many, of you, even the other items available at the new restaurant are a bit too expensive for what you get. One of you said that you weren’t into sushi enough to “pony up $8-$10 a piece.”

Sushi Boat

Another reader told us it was “not within my budget.” We understand that many of you visit Disney World on a budget, and that could keep you from eating at the more expensive dining spots in Disney World. One of you even said that it was “Way too much $$$ even for Disney.”

Tomato Ocean Salad

Another reader told us that “the prices don’t really reflect what the vibe of the restaurant was meant to be.”

That’s interesting because we thought the restaurant was really unique, not just with its food, but also its atmosphere. The restaurant’s menu will change and revolve around certain Japanese festivals throughout the year. Plus we loved the murals and “windows” that made us feel like we were actually dining in Japan.

Shiki-Sai “window”

Don’t like sushi

We were also surprised by how many readers just don’t like sushi or the kind of food being served at Shiki-Sai. That does make sense why you might not want to eat there because this is typically food for more adventurous eaters. One of you just told us you’re “not into sushi.” 

Another reader said that they “don’t like sushi and I’m not a very adventurous eater either.”

Tokyo Negi Roll

We would like to point out that the menu offers way more than sushi, and there are plenty of other options you might want to try.

Sukiyaki Rice

Many of you told us you didn’t care for seafood OR sushi, but again, there are other options here, both meat-based and vegan. There’s Kara-age Chicken, Grilled Wagyu Gyoza, Beef and Chicken Skewers, and more. So if you think it’s just seafood on the menu, you might want to reconsider.

Kara-age Chicken

However, some of you can’t wait to try out Shiki-Sai, and you even told us you’ve already made reservations there. One of you said you weren’t really into sushi, but you like other Japanese foods.

Another reader told us that were excited to have okonomiyaki because they “haven’t had that since I lived in Okinawa.”


Some of you have sushi fans in the family, although you might not be, but do understand there are other options available. One of you also said it’s worth it to “try it out saying we ate there, the experience, the ambience…”

Inside Shiki-Sai

We certainly think that if you aren’t a picky eater, you might want to reconsider and give it a try. It’s probably one of the most authentic restaurants you’ll find in Disney World, and the concept/theme is fairly unique, especially as the food will change depending on what festival is being celebrated.

Be sure to check back with AllEars again soon for more news.

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Are you interested in dining at Shiki-Sai? Let us know in the comments!

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3 Replies to “Why Fans Are SKIPPING EPCOT’s Newest Restaurant”

  1. We ate there on our last trip and are going back. Extensive menu, great service and cool ambiance. It is a bit expensive but it’s Disney. As someone who lives in LA the sushi rolls weren’t that much more than I would expect.

  2. I wonder if sushi being available at Morimoto Asia also makes this less exciting. I’m not sure the average American family needs two sushi options? (Morimoto was our favorite “grown up” dining experience at Disney.

  3. I think one of the reasons why your readers/viewers are saying they don’t want to go is because of your video. It focused so much on the $300 sushi boat. People saw that and they were out.