VIDEOS: Disney Employees Walk Out to Protest Company Handling of “Don’t Say Gay” Bill

Many employees at the Walt Disney Company were disappointed by the company’s late response to Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill. To demonstrate their feelings and demand further action, some planned a large-scale walkout to take place today, March 22nd.

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Although we haven’t seen the walkout affect the Disney parks today (Cast Members may remain at their jobs due to contractual obligations and advice from unions), many employees have taken part in the walkout in other areas of the Walt Disney Company. Here’s a look at some of the walkouts happening now.

Steve Desaulniers, a Field Producer for CNBC, posted this video of hundreds of Disney employees walking out of Disney’s headquarters in Burbank, CA, in protest of Disney’s lack of action against the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.


According to a website created by Disney employees for this event (, protesters are seeking to draw attention to the issue and demand further action by the Walt Disney Company. Employees have asked the company to amend their previous silence on the issue and advocate more for LGBTQIA+ communities in the future.

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LA Times reporter Ryan Faughnder shared pictures and videos on Twitter showing many Disney employees protesting outside of the Disney Animation Building in Burbank.


And Disney animator Rebecca Perez shared a picture of the protestors outside of the Animation Building as well, with the caption “Disney Animation Studios employees full day #DisneyWalkout #DisneyDoBetter #DisneySayGay Supporting our fellow Florida co-workers and LGBTQIA+ community. Solidarity.”


Many Disney-owned companies expressed support for the LGBTQIA+ community as well, including Hulu, National Geographic, FX Network, and more. Disney has posted on several of their social media accounts today in support of the LGBTQIA+ community, saying they “oppose any legislation that infringes on basic human rights.”


We’ll continue to follow this developing story, so keep following AllEars for more of the latest Disney news.

Click here to learn more about the full-scale walkouts planned for today.

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3 Replies to “VIDEOS: Disney Employees Walk Out to Protest Company Handling of “Don’t Say Gay” Bill”

  1. As a major Disney fan and a conservative lesbian who supports this bill, I really encourage those who are waking out to actually read what this bill says. It’s “don’t say gay” label is incorrect and misleading- which has caused such an unnecessary raucous. It’s sad and it’s continuing to divide the American people.

    1. While what you’re saying about the “Don’t Say Gay” label is true, the wording of the bill remains alarmingly vague. If you’re going to forbid teachers from discussing sexual identity or sexual orientation with kids of a certain age, then you’re technically forbidding them from discussing all types of marriage, including the type of marriage some children’s parents already have. Does this mean that third-grade children of gay parents can’t invite both of their parents to school functions for fear of other kids seeing two moms or two dads? Are you comfortable with that form of exclusion? Let’s simply rewrite the legislation to make it clearer and remove any fears of a slippery slope.

      1. I respect your opinion about the examples of marriage you gave, however, I disagree… the purpose of the bill is to say that it’s NOT the school’s place to be teaching kids about sexuality and gender identity at those early grade levels. It specifically outlaws “curriculum” being taught… it doesn’t say anything about a child going to a teacher or a counselor with an issue or problem, nor, does it say anything about not being able to discuss these issues, especially, if a child were to bring it up. The bill is just preventing activist teachers or school boards from forcing sexual and gender identity on young kids, when those kids are still learning to read, write and… Use speech correctly!

        This bill is not some cutting edge piece of legislation. Many of the things in this bill are already in place in many states… not as law, but as common sense. My state included. The bill is just codifying these protections.

        Schools don’t teach kids about gun rights and things of that nature, right? So why should the schools be teaching gender identity and sexual orientation to K-3 graders? Those issues are for parents to discuss with their children. Not schools… not at that age, anyway. My son is 11 and I gave him the “birds and the bees” talk last summer. He’s learning FLE in school and anatomy and whatnot. It’s no big deal because I already told him the “embarrassing” stuff, but, not all parents want their kids knowing all of that until a certain age. Guess what? That is THEIR RIGHT as a parent to that child. It’s not the schools decision. Our schools allow us to opt out children out. Our school also keeps the parents involved with reading assignments and whatnot, and gives us the heads up and opportunities to preview books and select alternatives for the kids to read if we choose. It’s common sense and it creates a great relationship between the teachers and the schools. COMMON SENSE.

        In fact, there’s even a section of the bill that gives the school the right to withhold information concerning a student if the school reasonably feels that the information would result in abuse, neglect or harm to the child by the parents.

        This bill is only controversial because the Left needs a talking point going into the mid-term elections and they are scared to death that DeSantis will be the Republican front runner in 2024.

        We need to stop letting the media divide us, because the only people who win are power hungry politicians.

        For the record, I am a straight man who holds absolutely zero animosity toward anyone who identifies as anything else. I’ve known many LGBT people throughout my life. I’ve worked with people, have friends, etc. I don’t care what anyone does and who they do it with. People can love whomever they want. What I am against is the politicizing of something that is very normal and overwhelmingly accepted, and having it used as a tool by the media to divide people.