Celebrate “The Art of Mulan” With This New Book from Disney

In just a few short months, Mulan will returning to theaters as a live-action film,  coming to us 22 years after her animated debut!

Upcoming live-action “Mulan” © Disney

We are so thrilled for the upcoming film to premiere, and can’t believe it’s been so long since the original hit the screen! To celebrate the original animated Mulan, Disney has announced they will be coming out with a special book re-release, one that any fan of the original movie will be sure to enjoy.

The Art of Mulan originally debuted with the animated classic in 1998, and now, Disney has announced they will be re-releasing it! The book comes with stunning artwork from the animated film, and the re-release will even include some new additional artwork to look forward to!

“Art of Mulan” Book ©Disney

The Art of Mulan will be released on February 11, 2020pre-order here, and is currently available for .

Will you be picking up the new Art of Mulan book when it debuts in February? Let us know in the comments below!

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