I’ve Tested 19 Amazon Products in Disney World. This Is the One That Surprised Me the Most.

As a frequent visitor to Disney World, there’s not a whole lot that surprises me, but that didn’t keep this one product I tested from leaving me speechless.

These really work!

We’re constantly looking for the best products to help make your next Disney World visit more memorable, less of a hassle, and leave you feeling prepared for anything. But, no matter how much I gawked at this one particular product before I tried it, you’d have to pry it out of my hands to make me give it up now!

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While I might not be the most adventurous eater of our reporting crew, I seem to be up for almost anything when it comes to being our resident product-testing guinea pig. Seriously, if you can name it to bring with you to Disney World, I’ve probably tried it — at least once!

Cinderella Castle

But I have to admit there were certain times of the year that weren’t always ideal for me to be out walking around Disney World’s parks and hotels. If you’ve ever visited Disney World during the summer, you’re probably familiar with our lovely weather system which consists of some pretty unforgiving and unpredictable scattered showers and thunder storms.

Magic Kingdom following Hurricane Idalia

Now, we here at AllEars know just how important it is to make sure we’re documenting the weather as it happens for you to the best of our abilities. But admittedly, the wind and rain certainly isn’t ideal — especially for someone who is as fond of flip flops as I am. So when I have to wear tennis shoes for a rainy day in the parks, I’m forced to come face to face (or rather toe to ground) with my worst enemy — soaking wet socks and shoes.

Rainy day at Disney World

Yeah, just the admission out loud is enough to make my skin shrivel like sun-dried grapes, but my editors (who also worry about my safety out in inclement weather) came across a solution. A solution, I might add, that I fought them tooth and nail on but ultimately gave in for “science”.

But I have to admit, these things forever changed my life (for good)! These are the waterproof shoe covers I didn’t know I needed!

Silicone Shoe Covers

From the first time I slipped these shoe covers over my shoes, I was floored. I literally had no problem walking around in them during a rainy day (actually it was a hurricane when I tested them out the first time), and they’ve been a park must-have since! If you’re not a fan of having to pack extra changes of shoes and socks for a rainy day or an unfortunate luck of the draw on one of the various water rides at Disney World, I would highly recommend you give these a try!

Slipping them on is so easy

I was able to walk around and splash in puddles all day long and thanks to their sleek yet grippy-bottomed design, putting them on and taking them off at the end of the day was a breeze. I even had a few people stop my around the parks and ask me where I had bought them and if they really stood the test of the pounding rain!


My only advice with these is if you’re an in-between size to go ahead and size up and don’t worry about extra silicone material left at the toe end of the shoe cover. And now that our little secret is out, I wouldn’t be surprised to see more people wearing them out to Disney World very soon!


There’s plenty more great park deals we spot all the time! We’ve tested dozens of Amazon products in Disney World to help you know what’s worth your money (and what’s not)! Check out what we use all the time at the link below and stay tuned with us at AllEars for even more as we discover them.

Click HERE to see even MORE fun park finds on Amazon!

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