The Incredible ‘Star Wars’ Moment You Need to Know About

Have you seen the latest episode of The Mandalorian?


If you haven’t, go watch it now! Because there’s a character in the episode that may look a little familiar, and there’s a VERY good reason why. You may not recognize him immediately but his return to Star Wars is absolutely EPIC and you simply MUST know about it.

Warning: spoilers for The Mandalorian, Season 3, episode 4 (Chapter 20: The Foundling) coming up!

Okay, so episode 4 of Season 3 showed Grogu making his way into the Mandalorian fold, where he’s training as a Foundling. But while he was hanging out with the Armorer, he had a flashback — and we finally learned how he escaped the Jedi Academy when Order 66 was implemented (that’s the order that was given to eradicate the Jedi).


The person who helped Grogu escape was Jedi Master Kelleran Beq. This Jedi was initially introduced on the kid’s game show Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge. Jedi Master Beq was the host of the show, as well as the mentor to the contestants. He was portrayed by Ahmed Best, who reprised the role of the Jedi Master for The Mandalorian.


What makes this story so good though, is that Best is mainly known in the Star Wars world as the voice of the CGI character Jar Jar Binks from the Star Wars prequels. That character has received a lot of backlash throughout the years. According to the BBC, the backlash severely impacted Best. In a social media post, Best once noted that he suffered a “media backlash that still affects [his] career today.”


Now, the actor has come back, not just as the host of a show and a Jedi Master, but as an incredibly important Jedi Master who saved Grogu and raced him to safety. This made Grogu one of the few Jedi Younglings that survived Order 66.


Want even more fun? Did you know that Best has now played THREE characters in the Star Wars universe? He also had a small cameo in Attack of the Clones as Achk Med-Beq.

So if that Jedi Master in The Mandalorian looks and sounds familiar, now you know why. To watch more of The Mandalorian as season 3, be sure to tune into Disney+ on Wednesdays when new episodes arrive. And stay tuned for more news.

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What did you think of Best’s role in The Mandalorian? Let us know in the comments!

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