Team AllEars Runner Profile: Ellie Argaluza

Where are you from?
Cary, North Carolina

Races you’ll be doing in January:
Goofy’s Race & a Half Challenge! The challenge consists of running the ½ Marathon on Saturday followed by the Full Marathon on Sunday.

What do you enjoy running Disney races OR what excites you most about running Disney races?
Disney races are well organized and have lots of entertainment along the way. You get to run through parts of the Parks that are back stage which is an added bonus for Disney geeks like me.


While I love running their races the best thing is that I get to run and spend time with my team mates from Team AllEars. I have been on the team for three years now, each race weekend is better than the last one. I look forward to spending time with them whether it is on the course or in the parks.

Why did you join Team AllEars?
I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Breast Cancer in 2008. I joined the team because I believe that we need to find a way to end Breast Cancer in our lifetime. I am happy to say that I have been cancer free for five years. While I will be celebrating life with Team AllEars this coming January; I will also be in Washington DC for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in May.


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