Epcot’s Fountainview RADP Meet – December 14, 1997

Epcot's Fountainview RADP Meet

December 14, 1997


If anyone has pictures from this RADP meet, please let me know. Anyone else wishing to contribute their thoughts on the evening, please email me also.

A number of months ago, Judy Lewandowski
and Laurie Prencipe organized this mid-December
Meet. Here's their report.

This was the day I was most looking forward to – my first RADP meet! Laurie Prencipe and I had been planning and worrying about this meet for some time. Would people come? Would they have a good time? yada yada yada….

The meet was scheduled for 5:00 pm at the Fountain View Cafe. Being compulsively early, I was there by 4:00. After days of rain, the rain stopped for our meet. Truly Disney magic in action! People started showing up early, so I was glad I was there. Laurie is another early person, so she arrived shortly after me. Kathy & Bruce Levee arrived. This was a trip to celebrate their 25th weddding anniversary, so Laurie and I surprised them with a WDW 25th anniversary ornament.

Mike & Judy Tuchman showed up with their friend Trudy. Norm and Andy from England, and Lisa P and her family also from England were there. Rob Olsan and his brother came. Rob wore his Toad-In shirt and gave us a trip of the Toad-In earlier that day. CJs Dad, and his wife and of course, CJ were also there. Jeff and his wife (sorry I don't remember her name) from Pennsylvania were also there.

Laurie has the official list and will post everyone's name. The big surprise was Kenny and Bartender Sam. It was a real pleasure meeting them. I was so glad to see them. They helped make the meet a real highlight for me. Thanks guys!! Even though Kenny did tease my about not being a normal anal RADPer since I didn't have any specific touring plans. I mentioned that I would "probably" go to MGM the next day.
I did, too, Kenny, even though it was cold, windy, and more rain! That will be in my nex trip report.

Laurie and I gave out many prizes. Norm (from England) won a Disney calendar. I think just about everyone won something. The Tuchmans won the Disney Trivia Book Vol III. Luckily it was one they didn't already have!! Mike Tuchman generously gave out his designer RADP pins. I hope a good time was had by all!!

I want to thank all of you who came. It was a pleasure putting faces to names. Hopefully I will get to meet more of you the next time I'm there.

After the RADP meet, Laurie, her friend Carol, and myself went to the Flying Fish Cafe for dinner. Yummy! Laurie and I had the grilled swordfish with the pumpkin risotto. We both asked for the recipe and was promised that it would be mailed to us. I had the lava cake for dessert. Fabulous! It melts in your mouth. This must have been a good night, as we all like our dinners very much.

Speaking of recipes, if anyone can get the recipe for the French Onion Soup at Chefs de France, I would greatly appreciate. That soup was delicious!!!

After dinner the three of us took the bus to Downtown Disney and from there we parted ways to go back to our hotels. I was back at PO by about 10:30.

All in all, a VERY good day.

Judy Lewandowski

Laurie Prencipe writes:

We did it! Judy Lewandowski
& I had been fretting over the planning stages of this meet for months & it was wonderful! Judy has posted a description of the meet as part of her trip report, so I'll just add my list of attendees & observations:
We were pleased with the turn-out. A good group & not too large, so we were able to sit inside the Fountainview Cafe when it got cold.

It was great to meet: Mike & Judy Tuchman (& their friend Trudi), Bruce & Kathy Levee, Arlen Miller, Kenny, Sam, Norman Fisher, Andy Sewell, Jeffrey Moll (so sorry, cannot remember Jeff's wife's name–and we had a nice chat, too), Rob (in Toad T-shirt) & his brother, Gene, Donna & CJ Allen, Lisa Elliott (& very nice husband & daughter Rebecca), Chris Earley (Wizard of Techno-babble, wife, kids), Renee Devlin & husband. Very sorry for the names I didn't get. Mike Tuchman handed out his designer Radp pins & Arlen Miller kindly gave everyone an Empress Lilly pin. Almost everyone won prizes in the drawings.

Radpers are a special bunch & I hope everyone had as good a time as I did!

Laurie P.

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