8 Haunted Mansion Quotes Disney Adults Can’t Stop Saying

There are a lot of things that you do on the regular that just scream that you’re a Disney Adult.

Haunted Mansion

Always heading to the theme parks, spending hours upon hours watching Disney+, and having more Disney merch than you know what to do with are just a few of the tell-tale sigs. But one thing that really sets a Disney adult apart from the rest is the quotes they use CONSTANTLY!!

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There are a ton of quotes from movies, shows, and ride preshows to choose from when you’re a Disney adult, but we wanted to focus in on one ride in particular — The Haunted Mansion. Let’s go over some of the Haunted Mansion quotes that Disney adults just can’t stop saying!

Here are 8 Haunted Mansion Quotes Disney Adults Can’t Stop Saying.

1. “Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion. I am your host, your ghost host. Kindly step all the way in please, and make room for everyone. There’s no turning back now. Our tour begins here in this gallery, where you see paintings of some of our guests as they appeared in their corruptible, mortal state.” – Ghost Host

Haunted Mansion

2. “Your cadaverous pallor betrays an aura of foreboding, almost as though you sense a disquieting metamorphosis.” – Ghost Host

Haunted Mansion Stretch Room

3. “Of Course, There’s Always My Way.” – Ghost Host

Stretch Room at the Haunted Mansion

4. “The happy haunts have received your sympathetic vibrations and are beginning to materialize.” – Ghost Host

Haunted Mansion

5. “Actually, we have 999 happy haunts here. But there’s room for 1,000. Any volunteers?” – Ghost Host

Haunted Mansion

6. “Serpents and spiders, tail of a rat, call in the spirits, wherever they’re at!” – Madame Leota


7. “Creepies and crawlies, toads in a pond, let there be music from regions beyond!” – Madame Leota

Hello, Leota!

8. “Hurry back! Hurry back! Be sure to bring your death certificate… if you decide to join us. Make final arrangements now! We’ve been dying to have you…” – Little Leota

Little Leota ©Jeff Krause via Flickr

Those were just some of the Haunted Mansion quotes that Disney adults just can’t stop saying. Which of these quotes do you use in your daily life?

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Which Haunted Mansion quote is your favorite? Tell us in the comments!

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