We Are Family

by Sara Rhodes

Call this a write up to get others to join in or donate to the cause, call this homage to the amazing people on Team AllEars, or call it what it is: my thank you to my running family.

I am not going to lie to you, this is the most amazing group of people ever to exist. No, that is not an exaggeration. I have never been around a group of people (outside of my own family) who loves and supports unconditionally. When I first joined up with TAE over a year and a half ago, the people on the team with me were nothing more than some Facebook friends who wanted to raise money and run.

Now, they are my family.

The day after running my first half marathon back in January of 2011, I knew I wanted to be a part of not only the WDW Marathon Weekend, but part of this team again. Once the call went out a month later to join up again, I immediately responded with my pledge to once again raise the money and join the team in Florida. Around that time, I also signed up for the Wine and Dine weekend, the Hartford Half marathon”¦and thanks to my teammate Jamison, the Chicago Marathon.

As I mentioned earlier, the support of the team was amazing. Without going into horrific detail, 2011 was a rollercoaster of emotions with running. Around March I developed a serious IT band issue and battled with it on both sides on and off. At several points, I had my IT Band scraped, and my upper legs were bruised for days after. Most days it hurt to walk, run and sometimes even nap on the couch. Other days, it hurt to even bend my leg. I even had x-rays on my hips to make sure I didn’t have stress fractures.

Injuries aside, I was bound and determined to finish that marathon. Fellow Team AllEars’ MaryJean and I teamed up to run the Wine and Dine Half Marathon relay (Team Doll Whips rocked!). It was great seeing those TAE that represented that weekend, especially DeeDee, who kept me entertained while waiting for the 2nd leg of the relay to start. The following weekend was Chicago and I felt good going into it. Wine and Dine went well and I was feeling loose and excited.


The group of Jessica, Brad, Jamison and I enjoyed that first afternoon of hanging out, picking up our race packets, and otherwise taking in the sights and sounds of the Greatest City in the World. No, that is not an exaggeration. Holly and Dave, Rhonda and Laura joined in over the next several hours, and TAE: Chicago Marathon Edition began. If you have not met Laura and her thing-a-ma-jig yet, you are in for a treat. The morning of the marathon, we were up early and at Grant Park, ready to conquer the 26.2 ahead of us.

Everything about that morning was magical. The city was beautiful, the crowd was buzzing, and the Chicago Blackhawks National Anthem singer rocked it. Of course, not everything can be perfect. I felt a little tight in my IT bands, and I knew that I would be running slower than I wanted to so they would not act up. Sadly, around mile 9, things went from ok to bad. My legs locked up, and I stopped at a medical ten to try and roll out. I lasted till mile 11.5, and by that point I could barely walk. I was done, and it was heartbreaking.


It was another few hours before the team joined back up with me at the hotel, and by then I had cried out my tears of anger (mostly.) Everyone was crazy supportive, despite the fact that they all were exhausted and overwhelmed from their finish. Despite my disappointment, I was happy to relish in their victories. How can I not be excited for these people, they are my running family.

I had tears in my eyes when I left Chicago and headed the 2.5 hours south to home. Some were anger and frustration, but I was sad to leave my friends after such an amazing weekend.


Over the next few weeks, I healed enough to walk a few 5ks, including the Hot Chocolate Chicago race. Laura was my walking buddy, and it was great to add in my old college friend and fellow TAE Dana into the mix. Tom Troost and his daughter joined up with Holly and Dave and the rest of us, and we had quite a fun group for lunch at Heaven on Seven. I enjoyed that lunch to no end, and once again I was sad to leave my friends and teammates.

Meanwhile, between Facebook, texts, and email messages, I am constantly in contact with the team. Jeff of Team Heller-Yeah and I email about our excitement and frustrations with running, sports and life in general. Julie Olson and I are somehow twins separated at birth; we have so much in common. And of course, the other half of Team Monorail Mavens is Dana Birch, a great friend I meet in college and a fellow Disney fan. I could go on and talk about just about everyone on the team, but that would make this blog crazy long.

I haven’t even begun to mention what went down over Marathon weekend. One of my favorite moments was watching Helen’s daughter, Abby, cheer on the “One footed vs. Never Even Ran a 5k” race at the official team meet. And how about walking the 5k with Julie and stopping to take pictures, or sitting with the team at the Illuminations dessert party. Hey, did you know that Dan ran a marathon? Laura lost her keys, Brad and the guys gave me a ride back Animal Kingdom Lodge and Jamison was trying to talk me into the Marine Corps marathon. Again, I could go on, but this blog would be crazy long.

Co-Captain Michelle talked about how we are now a family. A family gets together in Chicago to run a marathon; a family joins up on Main Street after the Disneyland Half to eat ice cream, and to have a cookout on the beaches out east. But most important, a family loves and supports and understands, and gathers together for a higher purpose. Have I not mentioned that yet? This year’s team raised over $67,000 to help out Deb, our fearless and energetic leader!

I should mention that TAE isn’t without the groupies”¦aka Team AllCheers. Marybeth was there alongside Laura in Chicago both times, and was once again a presence in Disney this past weekend. She is just one of so many that support and cheer us on, and many of them also help out in the fundraising cause. Without our friends and family and Team AllCheers, none of this would be possible. And no, that is no exaggeration.


To steal a tag line from the 2011 Chicago White Sox and University of Illinois Men’s Cross Country team, I am “All In.” Turns out, my family will be in WDW for the Wine and Dine Half Marathon weekend (thanks to my sister’s 30th birthday!), and I might sneak out to Disneyland for the half in September. I couldn’t bear the thought of not being a part of this amazing team. I hope my current teammates are with me, and I hope we can recruit a few more outstanding individuals to support this amazing effort. See you in 2013 (and the rest of 2012), Team AllEars!!

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