3 Things Gen X Disney Adults ALWAYS Do at Disney World

If you’re a Gen X Disney adult, you know that a trip to the Disney World parks hits differently than it did in your younger years.


You still love the nostalgia and joy of Disney, but let’s be honest, your knees aren’t what they used to be, and you’re not trying to set any step count records. That being said, Gen X’ers have perfected the art of Disney-ing at a comfortable pace, and there are three things we always catch you doing when you’re in the parks.

Find Quiet Places to Rest

Sure, Disney World is amazing, but it can also be overwhelming. The crowds, the heat, and the walking can turn even the most magical day into a bit of a marathon. For Gen X’ers, finding a quiet spot to rest during a park day is a non-negotiable part of the experience.

Carousel of Progress

Whether it’s taking a breather in the air-conditioned bliss of Tomorrowland’s Carousel of Progress or floating along the serene waters of It’s a Small World, you definitely know how to work some low-key attractions into your day. Those rides are not only classics that bring you all the nostalgic feels, but they also give you a chance to sit down and recharge.

“it’s a small world” in Magic Kingdom

And when you’re not on a ride, we can bet you’re scoping out shady benches or tucked-away alcoves that most guests breeze past as they rush off to the next attraction.

Take a Midday Break

Now this one is one of the best-kept secrets of seasoned Disney-goers – the midday break, and Gen X’ers swear by it. After a morning of navigating the parks (and maybe indulging in one too many snacks), you’re not trying to power through the Florida sun like you’re 22. Nope, it’s time to head back to the hotel for a little R&R.

A dip in the pool, a trip to the spa

A midday break might mean a nap, a refreshing dip in the resort pool, or just lounging in the room with some AC and a good book. It’s the perfect way to recharge before heading back to the parks in the evening when the crowds are thinner, and the temperatures are cooler.

EPCOT at night

If you’re a Gen X’er with kids, this strategy comes in especially clutch. The little ones get their much-needed rest so they can avoid those late-afternoon meltdowns, and you get a moment to enjoy the quiet, because let’s be real, even Disney magic doesn’t make “overtired kids” fun.

Prioritize Table Service Dining

Gen X Disney adults also understand the importance of sitting down to a nice meal. Quick service is fine in a pinch, but when you’re spending all day on your feet, you need that break that only a table service restaurant can provide.

Crystal Palace

For example, whether it’s a leisurely brunch at The Crystal Palace or a late dinner at ‘Ohana, a table service reservation gives you the chance to relax, enjoy some great food, and (most importantly) sit in a comfy chair for a solid hour. Also, let’s not forget the AC, which has basically become the sixth food group at Disney.


Also these meals create space for you to savor the Disney experience without rushing. Sharing stories from the day, soaking in the atmosphere, and sipping a cocktail is the kind of magic that keeps you coming back.

Magic Kingdom

So next time you’re in the parks, you may want to embrace your inner Gen X’er and take it slow. You’ll thank us later when your feet aren’t screaming at you by 3PM.

Well, those were just some of the things we’re constantly seeing Gen X adults do at Disney World right now, and now we’d love to hear from you! In the meantime, stay tuned to AllEars for all the latest Disney news!

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What advice do you have for Gen X adults going to Disney World? Let us know down in the comments! 

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3 Replies to “3 Things Gen X Disney Adults ALWAYS Do at Disney World”

  1. Carousel of Progress is one of a few horrible,Tomorrowland rides that need to be replaced. Mind numbing dull. Actually, most of Tomorrowland needs to go. It now looks retro, not futuristic.

  2. We also don’t zig zag all over the parks to get better wait times. An extra 10 minutes is better spent standing in a line than weaving in in out of crowds at a breakneck speed.

  3. We just flew back into Chicago a couple hours ago from WDW. Article is pretty on point, only thing is we had a first timer with us and ended up spending all 4 days + Christmas party one night at MK. We normally get hopper passes and go back to our accommodations in the afternoon for a swim or whatever. Carousel of Progress is one of our favorites lol