Only Disney World Experts Know These 6 Unspoken Transportation Rules

If you’re visiting Disney World and you do not have your own vehicle, you will very likely be relying on Disney World transportation.

Disney Skyliner

Now, Disney World transportation is excellent (and FREE) and even when we have our cars, we often use Disney buses, the Skyliner, boats, and the Monorail to get around because it’s so fast and convenient. But there are some things you need to know before you step foot on Disney World transportation.

We’ve put together a list of unwritten rules that you should pay attention to if you’re using Disney transportation

Take the bus at the Ticket and Transportation Center

So if you ARE driving to Magic Kingdom or taking a rideshare service, you’ll be dropped off at the Ticket and Transportation Center. Now, you’ll probably automatically think the Monorail is the quickest way to get from the Ticket and Transportation Center to Magic Kingdom, but it’s just one way to get there.

Monorail lines can be LONG

Those Monorail lines can get LONG, especially in the morning at rope drop. However, the buses that go from the Ticket and Transportation Center to Magic Kingdom are usually faster and emptier. Note that these buses aren’t always available, but you just may have options if you want to get to Magic Kingdom faster and avoid crowds.

Check The Weather Before Getting on The Skyliner

If you plan on taking the Skyliner in Disney World, make sure you’re weather aware. Check the weather forecast before heading to the Skyliner station because if it’s going to be rainy or stormy, there’s a good chance the Skyliner will be closed.

Skyliner Closed Sign

If the Skyliner is closed, though — never fear! Disney will provide bus transportation to wherever you need to go. But it’s best to know ahead of time before you get to the Skyliner station only to see it’s closed.

Don’t take up extra space

Disney transportation can be very crowded, especially in the mornings and evenings. That’s why you should try to take up as little space as possible. Don’t lay on the benches and use up space where others can sit. Also, be sure to fold up those strollers so they don’t take up so much space.

Don’t take up too much space

With that being said, it’s also important to respect people’s personal space as much as possible. Sometimes that’s difficult, but others will appreciate it if you’re trying to respect their space.

Keep your phone on low

No one wants to hear your music or the video you’re watching on your phone, especially at the end of a long day in the parks. Either keep the volume of your phone low or bring headphones (the latter would be ideal).

Keep your phone down on transportation

Also, if you need to talk on your phone, don’t use speakerphone and try to keep your voice down, if you can. Or, better yet,  if it could be a text, make it a text.

Be kind

If you manage to grab a seat on Disney transportation, but see someone who might need it more, do the right thing and offer up your seat. Keep an eye out for people like a parent holding a child, older folks, someone who’s injured, those who are pregnant, etc.

If you see someone who needs a seat, offer it to them!

Just doing something like offering up your seat to someone who needs it could make a little magic for someone else.

Don’t forget the deodorant

Okay, don’t judge us for this reminder, but when you’re packed like sardines on a Disney bus or the Monorail, things can get a little stinky. At the end of the day, after everyone has been sweating it out in the Florida heat, you’re going to want everyone to have remembered their deodorant that morning.

Don’t forget THIS!

Likewise, don’t forget to put your deodorant on as well. We know you can’t control how much you sweat at Disney World, but this could make everyone’s ride on Disney transportation a little more pleasant.

So before you step on that Disney bus, Skyliner gondola, Monorail, or boat, be sure to keep these unspoken rules in mind. It will make your ride to your destination a little better, as well as help make everyone’s ride nicer.

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Do you have an unspoken rule about Disney transportation that we missed? Let us know in the comments!

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