Magic Kingdom Images – Are They Hidden Mickeys or Not?

Let’s visit a few Magic Kingdom attractions to study some Hidden Images. Do they qualify as Hidden Mickeys? Many images on Disney property simulate Mickey but are not quite close enough.

You’ve probably spotted the cookies on a table in Peter Pan’s Flight; they appear just after you take off from the loading dock. In past years, the cookies were different sizes and formed a decent classic three-circle Hidden Mickey. Recently, however, the three cookies all appear to be the same size. Is it an acceptable Hidden Mickey? (Thanks to April Beisser.)

Cookies in Children’s Bedroom, Peter Pan’s Flight

Here’s a photo of the upper half of the current classic Hidden Mickey formed by gears on the ground to your right as your train slows near the end of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. This Hidden Mickey changes and disappears at times. Thank goodness it’s back!

Three-gear Hidden Mickey on ground near end of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Now, let’s line up for Jungle Cruise. Along the queue near the loading area, you’ll pass this jar of nuts on a high shelf. Folks at times see a Hidden Mickey in the nuts. Do you?

Jar of Nuts on shelf in queue of Jungle Cruise

Also, the spider in the temple, to the right of your boat, has spots that suggest a Hidden Mickey. Or do they? (Thanks to Brian A. Leong.)

Spider with Spots in temple, Jungle Cruise

‘Happy GNU Year’ from Jungle Cruise!

‘Happy Gnu Year’ banner at end of Jungle Cruise

Enjoy the holiday season!

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Steve Barrett is a doctor and Disney nut whose favorite Walt Disney World memory is strolling through the Magic Kingdom with his young son on his shoulders. Not surprisingly, his favorite spot in the World is anywhere there's a Hidden Mickey. He suggests that all visitors take some time to chat with cast members, especially when looking for Hidden Mickeys, as they can enrich your Disney experience and make it even more magical.

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3 Replies to “Magic Kingdom Images – Are They Hidden Mickeys or Not?”

  1. Former CM here. If the hidden mickey disappears and reappears. That’s usually an unofficial hidden mickey. Imagineering will undo unofficial hidden mickeys. CM will go back and redo them later. Perfect example, the plates at Haunted Mansion were an unofficial hidden mickey when I was there.

  2. If WDW just built, designed, and decorated the entire place without a single thought of hidden mickey’s, how many would there be just based on random positioning? Given that the circle is probably the most common shape after the straight line, I’m guessing there would still be hundred and hundreds throughout the parks.