Brian Martsolf Reports
Brian Martsolf is a lifelong Disney theme park fan whose first visit to Walt Disney World was in 1996. He lives in Charlotte, NC, with his wife, Carlene, and works at a Tyco Plastics manufacturing facility. He also has his own Disney website,, which features trip reports (with lots of photos), a section on the history of Walt Disney World illustrated with its postcards, and articles on the Disney Internet community and Disney theme park souvenirs.
Liberty Square and Frontierland – Then and Now, Part I, February 20, 2007
Adventureland: Then and Now, August 15, 2006, Issue #360
Main Street U.S.A.: Then and Now, April 4, 2006, Issue #341
Tomorrowland, Then and Now A World on the Move?, April 19, 2005, Issue #291
Walt Disney World: What's in a Name?, January 25, 2005, Issue #279
Golden Age of WDW Postcards, November 23, 2004, Issue #270
The World's Fair Goes to Walt Disney World, September 28, 2004 Issue #262
Finding Disney Magic Closer to Home, July 27, 2004, Issue #253
Fantasyland, Then and Now, May 25, 2004, Issue #244