Coming Nov. 3: Pin Palooza! Here’s How It Works

As long-time readers of AllEars.Net will know, Deb Wills has spent many years raising funds and awareness to end breast cancer. As part of her fundraising efforts, Deb holds a periodic “Pin Palooza” in which she makes a huge assortment of her Disney pins available for you to bid on by making a donation that goes directly to FORCE – Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered. Here, Deb explains how the Pin Palooza works.

Some of the pins you will find in the November 3rd Pin Palooza!

As I announced a few days ago, I’ll be holding my 10th Pin Palooza on November 3! To date, we have raised more than $29,000 together this way in the fight against breast cancer. Proceeds from this Pin Palooza go to FORCE – Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered. This organization advocates for families facing hereditary breast and ovarian cancer in areas such as access to care, research funding, insurance, and privacy.

I wrote about why I hold these Pin Paloozas here. Now I’d like to talk about how they work.

So How Does PIN PALOOZA Work? 

On November 3, you’ll find a link to the Pin Palooza blog post on the main page of Deb’s Digest. ALL the pins that are part of Pin Palooza will be listed in that one blog post that will go live at a pre-announced time.

In this Pin Palooza you will find about 200 pins listed. I have been getting them ready for several weeks now. Each pin has a Number, Description, Photo and Price. Almost all the information comes from,  which has supported this effort since it began.

Here’s an example of what you will see:

ITEM # 2  CAST EXCLUSIVE Walt Disney’s 115th Birthday – Limited Edition 1000

Description, if any.


Price $35

What happens next?

1. Leave a comment below the blog post stating the ITEM number of the pin(s) you wish to purchase.

EXAMPLE: 2, 33, 95, 200

2. I will go through the comments in the order they are received. This will take some time because the offers come in fast and furious!

3. Once I get to your request I will publish your comment with notations of what is already sold and what is yours.

EXAMPLE: 2 Gone, 33 Yours, 95 Yours, 200 Gone

4. I will put the word SOLD with your first name and initial of your last name just after the pin number on the blog to show you have pledged for that pin.


5. Within 72 hours I will send you the link information with donation instructions and you will have 48 hours to make your donation.

6. Once that happens FORCE will send you an email confirmation. Forward me a copy of the donation receipt along with your shipping address — pins will be mailed in approximately 3-14 days. I will pay US and Canada shipping of pins.


Your ENTIRE purchase price goes directly to my FORCE Account. I pay postage and WILL SHIP TO CANADA AND US. You get pin(s) you want and a charity deduction, too! I raise money and reduce my pin collection.

Remember, as you are scrolling through the list and selecting your pin(s) so are a couple hundred other folks. I go through the requests in the order they are received. Be aware — it can feel something like a feeding frenzy, because there’s so much activity and information all at once! Yes, it’s a lot to deal with, but it’s also a great win-win for everyone!


Here is a link to a previous Pin Palooza. Scroll through to get an idea of what happens.

Remember it’s a fundraiser, not a flea market! The pins are offered for sale at the stated price.

 Patience is the key!  It takes time for me to go through each comment and respond as to what is available and adjust the spreadsheet.

 Check back often to see what you have won. I will continue to update the main Pin Palooza page throughout the day and announce when the Palooza has concluded for the day.

Check back the next day, on Sunday morning. I will offer the remaining pins at a reduced price!

OK, now it’s your turn to ask questions in the comment section below!

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Deb Wills, founder of AllEars.Net, is an internationally recognized expert on Disney vacations ranging from Walt Disney World to the Disney Cruise Line, Disneyland and Adventures by Disney. For many years she participated in events designed to raise funds and awareness in the fight against breast cancer, which she herself survived in 1986. She now raises funds for FORCE - Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered, to increase awareness of hereditary cancers.

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6 Replies to “Coming Nov. 3: Pin Palooza! Here’s How It Works”

  1. Hi Deb – looking forward to it! This is such a creative fundraiser. What time is this starting on Saturday? Thanks –

    1. More than anyone should have. But really, this time and the last couple times many generous folks have donated great pins for the sale!