Celebrating Canada Day at the Canada Pavilion in Epcot

Happy Canada Day to all!

Wednesday, July 1st, was Canada Day. For those non-Canadians who are not familiar with what Canada Day is, here is some information on the day that I found on the web (because I must admit that I didn’t know much about it either):

“Canada Day celebrates the events that occurred on July 1, 1867, when the British North America Act created the Canadian federal government. The BNA Act proclaimed “one Dominion under the name of Canada,” hence the original title of the holiday, “Dominion Day.” Dominion Day was officially renamed “Canada Day” by an Act of Parliament on October 27, 1982. This change reflected the policy of successive governments to down play Canada’s colonial origins.”

“Canada’s national celebration is always observed on July 1, unless that date falls on a Sunday, in which case it is observed the following day. Most communities across the country will host organized celebrations for Canada Day, usually outdoor public events, such as parades, carnivals, festivals, barbecues, air and maritime shows, fireworks, and free musical concerts, as well as citizenship ceremonies for new citizens.”

So, I went over to Epcot to see how Disney celebrated Canada Day at the Canada Pavilion.

There was a “Canada Day” banner hanging over the Off Kilter stage.

Canada Day banner

Flags of all the Canadian Provinces were on display.

Canadian Flags

Canadian flags were hanging all over the pavilion.

Canadian Flags

Canadian Flags

Canadian Flags

Canadian Flags

As you entered the O’Canada Circle Vision theater Cast Members handed you a Canada Day flyer that had six questions on it. Once you answered the questions you could bring the completed form to the station pictured below. If you answered them correctly you received a Mickey pin.

Canada Quiz station

Here’s what the flyer looked like. The six questions that you had to answer are these:

1) These two colors and this symbol are everywhere on Canada Day.
2) The earliest Canadians used these to capture TALL tales.
3) This fast moving sport is perfectly suited for playing in the Great North.
4) This big red box is a symbol of Canada’s long distance connection to Great Britain.
5) Name two of the ten provinces that make up Canada.
6) Our garden is named after the British Queen who granted Canada independence.

Canada Day flyer

How did you do with the questions? I got them all correct and here’s the pin that I received.

Mickey pin

There were a number of Canadian Cast Member proudly wearing their colors. This group gladly posed for a picture.

Proud Canadians

Proud Canadians

All in all Canada Day was a pretty low key celebration. Most of the guest passing through the Canadian Pavilion were oblivious to what was going on. The only special happening were the banner, flags and the quiz/pin. However, to those Canadians who were there, it was a special day and one that they were merrily celebrating.

Well, that’s all for now. As my good friend says “see ya real soon”…DizneyMike

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7 Replies to “Celebrating Canada Day at the Canada Pavilion in Epcot”

  1. Your blogs are just wonderful. I look every one of them. I don’t know to much about Canada, but could you let me know the answers to the quiz. I only got a couple of them. Thanks for the wonderful blogs.

  2. Every year the Canada Day celebration is different depending on management at the time I guess. But generally it gets more low-key (budget sensitive?) each year. When I worked there back in 1997 they had a mini-parade around the promenade with all the Canadian cast members and I think even a Royal Canadian Mounted Police on horseback. They also had daytime fireworks and a few other things I can’t remember.

  3. We were in Epcot on July 1 and saw the signs and flags but didn’t take the time to stop. I’m sorry we didn’t now after reading your, as always, interesting blog.

  4. Mike, great post…..

    If I may I’d like to give kudos to Wendy Snelgrove!!!!

    Great eye and thanks for the Canandian bit of history I’d guess you’d say, ehhh?

  5. Mike,

    I had to look carefully, but I noticed that the flags are not correct. We have 10 provinces and 3 territories in Canada, but they have only shown 10 provinces and 2 territories. The territory of Nunavut (which means “our land” in Inuktitut, the language of the Inuit) is missing, I assume because it didn’t come into existence until 1999, after the opening of Epcot! Someone needs to buy them a new flag!

    The flags are, from left to right:
    New Brunswick, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Canada, Prince Edward Island, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Yukon Territory, Alberta and Newfoundland.

    Canadians with an eye for detail will also notice that the flags aren’t in the correct order: they are usually displayed either east to west, or in order of joining Confederation. But I’m assuming the university students working there don’t know that!

    Thanks for the report Mike.

  6. It is perfectly appropriate that almost all of the Canadian cast members you picture were holding a beer! That is a very important part of Canada Day that the internet didn’t tell you about…