I’ve Gone to Disney World Every Week This Year. Here Are 10 Myths Busted from Walt’s Frozen Head to Weather Dome.

We hear a LOT of things about Disney World that simply aren’t true.

Cinderella Castle in Magic Kingdom

We’ve seen countless pieces of bad advice shared in Disney World groups on Facebook, heard plenty of incorrect facts spewed to other guests during Monorail rides, and of course, listened to many a “fan” blast straight-up rumors about the parks. So today, we’re busting up some of the biggest and most common myths!

The Weather Dome

We’re starting this list out with one of the most common myths in Disney World — that the company has a dome they can use to cover the parks and control the weather. Guys, this definitely does NOT exist.

Rainy day in Tomorrowland

If Disney really had a weather dome, they’d likely make the parks a lot less rainy, humid, and swelteringly hot. Without that bad weather, people would be more tempted to visit year-round. But alas, dealing with Florida weather is all part of the Disney World experience.

Disney World Is Just for Kids/Families

You’ve probably heard people online complain about Disney Adults in the past and share the opinion that Disney World is just for kids and families…but this is not the case! Walt Disney originally created Disneyland with the idea in mind that people of all ages would be able to enjoy his park.


When you go to Disney World, you’ll find a variety of attractions and offerings themed to people of all ages and life stages. They’ve got everything from Pixar to Star Wars, from kiddie rides to intense roller coasters. All who come to this happy place are welcome!

The Food Is All Bad

If you’ve been to other theme parks in the past, you may have experienced some subpar theme park food. And while you can certainly find that in Disney World if you’re exclusively ordering hot dogs and burgers and lame pizza…not all Disney World food is bad!

Hot Dog

Disney World is home to hundreds of restaurants, and many of the sit-down spots in the parks are quite delicious. On top of that, we have a list of quick service restaurants that we really enjoy — places like Satu’li Canteen, ABC Commissary, Woody’s Lunch Box, Connections Eatery, and more.

Satu’li Steak Bowl

We promise that if you do a little research on the dining options ahead of time, you’re bound to find something good during your trip.

Walt’s Head Is Frozen Underneath the Castle

When Walt Disney passed away in 1966, it was five years before his Disney World project was completed. And since his death, many rumors have been started about where his remains lie. Perhaps the most prominent is a rumor that his head is frozen and stored underneath Cinderella Castle.


We assure you that this myth is NOT true. When Walt passed away, he was cremated and his remains are now in a memorial park in California. No frozen heads lie underneath the castle. For real.

Nobody Ever Dies in Disney World

In a similar topic, there’s a rumor going around that nobody ever dies in Disney World. Sadly, this one is completely false as well. There are reported incidents of people passing away on Disney property multiple times in the past.


Now it makes sense that in the event of some accidents, the victims would not be declared dead until they reached a hospital or were taken off-property, but saying that no one has ever died in Disney World is simply not true.

Tattoos Aren’t Allowed in the Parks

For a little while, there was a myth going around that Disney World guests would be required to hide or cover up their tattoos to visit the parks, but don’t worry — this isn’t true! In fact, Disney just recently changed its policy for Cast Members, allowing them to display tattoos while on the job.

Starcruiser tattoo

The only case where someone may be asked to cover up a tattoo in Disney World is if the artwork is explicit and not appropriate for Disney’s family-friendly environment.

You Can Get “Dress Coded” to Get Free Merch

A while back, there was a viral video going around of a visitor who’d come to Disney World and gotten “dress coded” for wearing something that wasn’t allowed in the parks. The person was escorted to a nearby gift shop, where they were given a coupon to get a different shirt to wear. Well, this started a trend with people trying to get “dress coded” to win free merchandise.

Disney World merchandise!

Ultimately, this is NOT a good strategy. Likely, if you’re wearing something against the dress code, you’ll be caught at the front entrance and denied entry into the park. Even if that doesn’t happen, security can escort you out of the park if you have nothing to change into. You’re not guaranteed free merchandise by any means!

Toy Story Characters Will Fall Down If You Yell the Catchphrase

We’ve shared this myth many times and we’ll keep reiterating it — the Toy Story characters will NOT fall down if you yell “Andy’s coming!” at them. We promise.


A video of this happening went viral many years ago, and people still try the trick to this day. It was likely a one-off circumstance of a Cast Member making magic, but now it’s against character policy because it’s unsafe.

Turkey Legs Are Made of Emu

If you’re hoping to snag a turkey leg during your next theme park visit and you’re concerned about the ingredient list, don’t worry! The turkey legs may be extra large, but that doesn’t mean that they’re made with emu or any other bizarre bird meat.

Turkey Leg

The reason they’re so big is because they’re made from Tom Turkeys. Disney World still has to answer to food safety regulations, you guys!

Magical Moments Happen to Everyone

And finally, we’ve got to talk about magical moments. These can be a really fun part of your Disney World trip IF they happen, but you shouldn’t go into your vacation expecting them. Cast Members “pixie dusting” guests with freebies or fun moments is a VERY rare experience, and it’s not something you can request during your visit.

Casey’s Corner Cast Members

So don’t bank on getting your room upgraded (without paying for it), being given a free dessert during your meal, or getting a special moment with your favorite character. It doesn’t happen that often, and those magical moments have to be rare in order to be magical.

Disney World Cast Members

So there you have it — several Disney World myths have now been busted! Stay tuned to AllEars for more updates from the theme parks and all the tips for your vacation.

8 Disney World “Facts” That Are Totally False — Click Here!

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Which of these myths have you heard before? Tell us in the comments!

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