When Two Weeks Turned Into Two Years: How Disney World is Still Dealing With COVID-19

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Ask anyone, and they’d probably agree that the last two years have been pretty wild, especially in the theme park industry. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed (and continues to change) a lot about how the theme parks operate, and we never could’ve expected the impact that it would still have today. So now, we’re taking … Continue reading "When Two Weeks Turned Into Two Years: How Disney World is Still Dealing With COVID-19"
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Philharmonic Castle

Disney Pic of the Week: Best Pic of 2020

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Sounds kind of funny to associate “Best” with anything from this year. However, it is a tradition of mine to share what I feel was my best of the weekly photo feature from the All Ears Picture This! Photo Blog for each year. My criteria is many. Some years it is a very technical photo … Continue reading "Disney Pic of the Week: Best Pic of 2020"
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