We Walked 500,000 Steps in Disney World Last Year. Here’s How To Save Your Feet.

Walking around Disney World on vacation is no joke.

Sunny Day in Animal Kingdom

Seriously, we do it every day and tell people all the time that it’s important to be prepared for just how much walking you’re about to do while you’re on vacation. We did the math, and between the members of our team who are in the parks the most every day, we all walked collectively about half a million steps. With all those steps, we know how to avoid our feet hurting more than they have to — here are our best tips for you to use for your next trip!

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Wearing the right shoes is extremely important, but it’s also vital that you make sure your feet are supported IN those shoes. And by that, we mean Insoles.


The best insoles out there aren’t cheap, but they last a long time and can make a worth of a difference when it comes to walking around the parks. With your feet properly supported, you can more easily change shoes with ease and just place your insoles into the new ones.


If you’re not a fan of insoles, our team members who don’t use insoles often have Orthopedic Shoes they use for park days.


Yes, we know, sometimes it seems a little silly, but it won’t FEEL silly when your feet feel great at the end of the day and your friends and family are riding the struggle bus. Plus, you’re in Disney World, everyone’s too busy on their own trip to pay attention to what you’re wearing on your feet.


Foot health is also extremely important. And by that we mean (even though we’re about to get a little TMI over here) that if you have calluses, you need to take care of them before you go on vacation.

If you’ve got any parts of your feet that cause you pain or need medical attention, they will make your park day SO much harder. And the last thing you want is to tap out of a park day early when you could have taken care of the issue you’re facing weeks before.

Now, developing blisters and minor foot scabs when you’re on vacation is extremely common with all this walking. That’s why it’s imperative you bring Moleskin/Bandaids with you on your trip.


We personally prefer Moleskin thanks to how well it sticks and protects your skin, and you can always head over to get bandaids at First Aid in any park. That can be a long walk though, so having them in your own bag will save you important time!


And finally, breaking in new shoes is NOT the move in Disney World. Instead, choose the shoes you know are comfortable and reliable. Some of our team has Hokas, other Skechers, Adidas, the list goes on and on. What’s best for you is best for you (we have tons of recommendations, but many of you may already have shoes of yours in mind as you read this), so whatever that may be, those will be your best bet.

Your shoes have to hold up!

We’ve dressed for fashion in Disney World and it has NOT worked out well, so trust us when we say an outfit looking better is NEVER worth having uncomfortable feel. We’re always here to bring you the latest and greatest Disney World news to help you prepare for your trip, so stay tuned to AllEars!

Check out our Amazon Storefront for more of our recommendations!

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