Friday, 31st of May 2019 Menu Changes to All-Day Menu at Let's Go Slurpin'

Friday, May 31st 2019 changes to Let's Go Slurpin' All-Day Menu

View Let's Go Slurpin' Dining Location - All-Day Menu

Banana Cabanacostchanged from 9.25to
Captain's Mai Taicostchanged from 10.75to
Rum Runnercostchanged from 10.25to
Pina CoLAVA (Frozen)costchanged from 10.75to
Draft Beer costchanged from 7.50-$8.75to
Soft Drinkscostchanged from 3.50to
Bottled Beer costchanged from 7.50-$8.25to
Typhoon Tilly (Frozen)costchanged from 11.75to