Disney Pic of the Week: Canada

Photographic Innoventions by Scott Thomas

I grew up about 100 miles from the Canadian border in upstate New York and visited Canada often in my youth to play ice hockey. It was always a treat to be in a country which considers hockey it’s national sport and everyone would have an opinion about their favorite National Hockey League (NHL) teams. It is the same when I visit the Canada pavilion in Epcot’s World Showcase and I enjoy bantering with the cast members in the stores, kiosks and Le Cellier restaurant about how my team, the Montreal Canadiens, are doing against their teams.

With that knowledge, it’s no wonder my Disney Pic of the Week for the theme of Canada features all the jerseys of the Canadian NHL teams seen hanging in the Trading Post and Northwest Mercantile store. Well, if you can see the others behind the red Montreal Canadiens jersey that is.

National Hockey League team jerseys of all the Canadian teams in Trading Post and Northwest Mercantile store of the Canada pavilion in Epcot's World Showcase, Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida

National Hockey League team jerseys of all the Canadian teams.
Nikon D70/18-200VR, 1/60s, f/4, 1600 ISO, +0.3 EV, 18mm Focal Length

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Scott's "Photographic Innoventions" blog focuses on intermediate to advanced photography concepts and techniques relevant for Point and Shoot and Digital SLR cameras.

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8 Replies to “Disney Pic of the Week: Canada”

  1. We’re originally from western NY and greatly miss hockey. But, being from Western NY, we are diehard Buffalo Sabres fans. This is gonna be our year! Go Sabres!

    Scott replies: The Sabres are looking good. Tim Connelly is from my home town.

  2. Just an F.Y.I.: As of 1994, hockey and lacrosse are both recognized as ‘Official’ sports of Canada. 🙂

    Scott replies: Must have been that last Cup win by Montreal in 1993 that did it, eh? 😀 Thanks for the update!

  3. Scott,

    To answer your question “o this day, I do not know why CBC is so enthralled with the Leafs” CBC headquarters are in Toronto so that’s why they are so bias towards the Leafs. But there was a survey held coast to coast in Canada asking which team was “Canada’s Team” and to no surprise The Montreal Canadiens came in first place.

    Scott replies: GO, HABS, GO!

  4. I love your comments,the Canadian teams certainly stand out against the rest.Thanks for including the country that I love with the place I love to visit.

    Scott replies: You are most welcome. Enjoy the rest of the season. I am hoping for a Canadian team in the Stanley Cup finals this year.

  5. Just a note that while it’s certainly accurate to say that everyone considers our national sport to be hockey, Canada’s official national sport is lacrosse.

    Scott replies: Syracuse University gets a lot of lacrosse players from Canada. One reason why they have a tradition of winning national championships. Lacrosse has always been big in my area of upstate NY and is slowly becoming a bigger collegiate sport in the US. It is a game I enjoy watching and photographing.

  6. Being from Montreal and a huge Montreal Canadiens fans, I just have to say that I love that pic. It always amazes me when I see Canadiens fans far from Montreal. They are after all the New York Yankees of hockey.

    Scott replies: I grew up watching Hockey Night in Canada during the 1970’s via Ch. 11, Kingston, Ontario. Some night the picture came in really snowy but must of the time we got a pretty good viewing. So, you can see why I am partial to the Canadiens. To this day, I do not know why CBC is so enthralled with the Leafs who haven’t won since the late 1960’s

  7. What, no Leafs jerseys?! They must have been so popular that they were sold out 😛

    Scott replies: Oh, it’s there, kind of. I adjusted the sweaters just a bit before I took this. (evil grin) We got to get both our teams going again.