Disney Social Media Moms Celebration invitations go out to hopeful bloggers



If you’re an avid follower of family bloggers on social media, you likely saw the hashtag #DisneySMMoms show up quite a bit in your news feeds last week. That’s because invitations for the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration were sent out on Feb. 3, and the ecstatic and the disappointed were ready to talk about the most magical of gatherings.

What is the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration?

It’s conference for bloggers who get professional communication advice from a range of speakers from national companies. Some of the past speakers have included wedding designer David Tutera; Matt Jacobson, head of market development at Facebook; Chris Brogan, president of Human Business Works, New York Times best-selling author and consultant; Ridley Pearson, the author of the “Kingdom Keepers” series for young adults and many other novels; and Rene Syler, former CBS’ The Early Show Anchor and webmaster of goodenoughmother.com.

The four-day event also includes elements of a press junket, allowing conference attendees to experience what’s new at the Disney Parks. Plus, it’s a celebration that includes many fun family dinners and experiences. Participants pay their own way to the conference and a discounted registration fee that typically includes three nights at a deluxe resort, theme park tickets and dinners for the family, and meals for the blogger.

An invitation to Disney Social Media Moms has been among the most coveted for bloggers for the last five years. Although the conference organizers did have one year when registration was on a first-come, first-served basis, most years have been by invitation only. It’s a small group — somewhere between 150 to 200 bloggers and their families attend.

There is, of course, a lot of chatter on social media about how bloggers can make that list. And that’s tough to answer because attendees have included bloggers who have huge followings and some who are just getting started. The annual roster of participants seems mostly to include mommy bloggers who write about their daily experiences with their families, though there are some participants who have travel or niche blogs. Moms who regularly blog about Disney and other Orlando theme parks actually are in the minority.

For the first time, the celebration is being held at Disneyland this year. Look for #DisneySMMoms to again peak on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram during the conference, April 10-13. Though not every blogger can experience the event in person, we all can live vicariously through the posts and pictures and insight offered by this select group. It’s just one more way fans can follow the latest news of all things Disney.


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