Adventures by Disney – the Grand Canyon

Today was an incredible day, with lots of great stories to share…but allow me to skip ahead to this afternoon……. about 4:00pm.

As we pulled up to the entrance of the Grand Canyon National Park, I already felt my body about to explode with anticipation. Seeing the Canyon in person has been on my “life list”. You know, those things you really want to do before it’s your time to pass.

We drove a couple miles in the bus and finally got out. Most of us walked quickly to the rest rooms after our 2+ hour bus ride.

We gathered as a group and Tiffany went over safety instructions and what we could do with our hour.

As we began walking towards the canyon, our pace quickened. We felt like running…… Time seemed to pass so slowly as we approached the road we needed to cross. We could see in a distance that the canyon was close by, but still could not see it.

Linda and I, with others we were traveling with approached the barrier and each of us stood quietly in our tracks. Our eyes were rivited to the land that lay before us. The tears welled up in my eyes and soon I began sobbing at the magnificant land before me. I looked at Linda, Wanda, and several others in our group and we all stood their sobbing.

No photo will ever do it justice. No words will ever explain the feeling of seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time. We stood there in awe. Then began moving around the walkway. And each time you changed positions, the canyon took on a new dimension.

For some reason the words to America the Beautiful started echoing through my mind. I hadn’t heard that song in a very long time…but suddenly, it took on a whole new meaning.

I still don’t know quite how to explain to you what it was like this afternoon….

Here are a few photos…..


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