Lucky Shot

Light Meter by Lisa K. Berton

Frustration is the word that describes how I feel towards point and shoot cameras when I’m trying to shoot movement. It’s not fair of me either because it’s not exactly their job. My SLRs know that’s what they excel at and that I love them. Don’t fret, my point and shoots know I love them too, but for different reasons. Viejos amigos, no te preocupes.

When photographing Dream Along with Mickey, the stage show in front of Cinderella Castle, my Canon PowerShot SX100 IS was set to Program, ISO 400, Vivid, and Continuous AF (autofocus). Yes, there’s still quite a lag time and I use rechargeable AA batteries and a fairly fast SD card.

I normally jump or cringe when I hear loud noises like fireworks and confetti canons. That’s one reason why I’ve dubbed this image a lucky shot. Maleficent sets off bursts of green fire because, well, she’s evil and she’s green. Shooting through flames (gas, I’m guessing) causes a rippled, painting effect on the subject. It’s wicked cool.


You never know what you might get so keep those cameras up and ready.

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