Disney Announces New Presidents for Disneyland, Disney World, Disneyland Paris, and More

Bob Chapek, Chairman of Disney Parks, Experiences, and Products, announced new Presidents for several Disney theme parks and Disney Institute in an interview with CNBC today.

Bob Chapek, chairman, Disney Parks, Experiences and Products, stands in front of the Disney Parks pavilion at D23 Expo ©Disney

In the interview, Chapek stated Rebecca Campbell will be President, Disneyland Resort. Before this, Campbell was President of Disney’s direct-to-consumer and international segment in Europe, Middle East, and Africa.

Campbell will be replacing Josh D’Amaro. D’Amaro will be moving east to lead Walt Disney World Resort. Both Campbell and D’Amaro will start in their new roles in November.

George Kalogridis, who has been President of Walt Disney World Resort since 2013 will now be President, Disney Segment Development and Enrichment. In addition, Kalogridis will also lead Disney Institute. Kalogridis is a 50 year, opening day-cast member at Walt Disney World.

The new President of Disneyland Paris will be Michael Colglazier, who currently heads up Disney Parks and Resorts in Asia.

D’Amaro posted an announcement on his Instagram account following Chapek’s interview with CNBC. In the post D’Amaro states:

“It is with mixed emotions that I will be leaving the Disneyland Resort and accepting the role as president of the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando. I cannot express how magical this experience has been. But of all of the things … it is the people I will miss most of all. The amazing Cast… our wonderful Guests… and our incredible passholders. It truly takes people to make the dream a reality. Magic has a name. It is ALL of you. I’ll be around for a few more weeks. Please give Rebecca Campbell, the incoming Disneyland Resort president, a warm welcome. I can’t wait for her to meet all of you. “

©Josh D’Amaro Instagram

Share your thoughts on the change in leadership in the comments.

Sources: CNBC, Josh D’Amaro Instagram

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Sarah has built a career in communications and marketing that started when she was the editor of her high school newspaper. She has written for AllEars.net since 2018, and enjoys sharing Disney news and updates with the AllEars community. She's been a Disney fan ever since her first visit to Walt Disney World when she was 5, and has been known to arrange trips around visiting a Disney park!

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2 Replies to “Disney Announces New Presidents for Disneyland, Disney World, Disneyland Paris, and More”

  1. Well, there goes Disney World, he has run Disneyland into the ground with lack of maintenance, removing live entertainment, etc.

    But of course Disney has to place the blame for Galaxy Edges failure somewhere, so while these are so called promotions, let’s call it what they really are, rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic to make it appear something proactive is being done instead of actually addressing the real cause of the issue.

    1. I find it hard to believe any single person is responsible for the lackluster appeal of Galaxy Edge, especially the man at the helm of Disneyland who would have zero responsibility for the same development going in at DisneyWorld. I tend to believe Disney’s problems lie way up the ranks with some people, with tons of authority, who believe they can’t possibly have a failing idea.
      I’m certain there has to be some inner turmoil within the upper ranks. Take the short lived park to park transportation program that was introduced a year or so ago. It worked great, cost about $30 per person, had scheduled pickup times behind the scenes in each park and quickly transferred you to another park. All without having to go thru security or ticket lines again. Was brilliant idea, but barely advertised, and therefore it was nixed due to lack of participation. IMHO, someone had enough clout to have it implemented, but someone with more power prevented it from being successful. There will be a great soap opera come out of the Disney Corporate Office Tower someday.