6 Disney World Essentials Under $20 On Amazon Now!

Preparing for a Disney World trip can get pretty overwhelming!

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And that makes sense since you’re coordinating your master plan with all its reservations for the flights, hotels, and restaurants. Doing all of that doesn’t leave you much time to plan out what essentials you’ll bring with you. Well, to that end, we thought we’d share a list of some Disney World essentials on Amazon that we love and use on the daily that will make your Disney World a whole lot easier!! Let’s go!

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First up, have a look at these Igloo Ice Blocks.


We’re BIG fans of saving a buck by bringing your own snacks to the parks. If you’re going to do that, you’ve got to keep those perishables cold and we can’t find any way better than by using these ice blocks. They’re the perfect combo of form and function. They keep your snacks cold for hours, which is perfect for keeping you fed and happy. Gotta keep that energy up for all the walking you’ll be doing!


Next up, check out this Disney Men’s Full Size Mickey Mouse Distressed Look T-Shirt.


There’s just something about rocking a classic and comfortable Mickey Mouse tee when at Disney. Also, if you’re coming with the whole crew, and since these are under $20, they’d be a perfect option for all of you to wear. You’ll match and be so comfortable (which is the name of the game!).


Next up, check out these Cooling Towels.

Cooling towels!

You may have heard it a million times from us, and you’re going to keep hearing it — Disney World is a HOT and HUMID place! That means you’re going to have to come prepared so you can stay hydrated and cool. We swear by these cooling towels. They literally are lifesavers. There are four to a pack, which is plenty for keeping you and the fam cool all day long.


Next, have a look at this Megababe Thigh Rescue Anti-Chafe Stick. 


One of the other things you have to come prepared to fight against is chaffing in all this heat and humidity. We find that an anti-friction chafe stick like this one really works wonders. We’d definitely recommend keeping it in your park bag. It’ll come in handy!


Next, have a look at these Reusable Ponchos.

Clear Rain Poncho

In addition to all the heat and humidity you’ll be fighting, you’ll also have to contend with daily rain showers during the rainy season (which honestly feels like most of the year since Florida is in the tropics). We love rocking our reusable ponchos. They come in clutch for those short afternoon showers. The best part about them is that they can pack down really small and even fit in our belt bags with space to spare!


Last up, have a look at this MultiCharger for MagicBand+.

MagicBand Charger

If you didn’t know, you’re going to burn through a TON of power on your devices while at Disney World. That goes double for your phone since you have to do everything on it (making your reservations, buying food, navigating, and of course all the photos and videos you’ll take). We find having a multicharger like this one makes life so simple. We can charge our phone and 3 MagicBand+s all at the same time. How can you beat that?


Don’t miss out on even more magic by clicking the link below to see other deals we’ve discovered on Amazon. Stay tuned for the latest and greatest recommendations and more Disney news!

Looking for more travel essentials? See them all on our Amazon Storefront here!

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