Recipe Sundried Tomato Chutney Boma Animal Kingdom Lodge
Yield: 8 servings
1 cup Granulated Sugar
1 cup Water, cool
½ cup Malt Vinegar
2 cups Sundried Tomatoes, diced and dehydrated
1 tsp. Jalapeno, minced and no seeds
1 tsp. Ginger, fresh, minced
1 tsp. Coriander, toasted, grind seeds
1 tsp. Cardamom Powder
1 tbsp. Red Chili Flakes
1 tbsp. Cilantro, chopped
In a non-reactive saucepot, combine sugar and water. Wipe down side of pot with water. Be careful to keep sugar mixture clean. Bring to a boil over high heat. Do not stir or move in any way! Cook until amber colored. Add malt vinegar. Stand back and beware of steam. Add all other ingredients except the tomatoes, cilantro, and jalapeno. Stir and bring to a simmer. Allow liquid to reduce and thicken to a thick syrup consistency. Add the tomatoes, cilantro, and jalapeno. Stir up really well. Remove from the heat and cool right away in the refrigerator.