2nd Annual Holiday RADP Meet Weekend – December 6-7 1997
2nd Annual Holiday RADP Meet Weekend
December 6-7 1997
Right after the 1st annual Holiday RADP Meet concluded December 5, 1996, folks heard of the wondrous event and began planning to attend in 1997. From a hearty group of about 25 RADP'rs in 1996, around 100 persons gathered from all corners of the globe — from Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and all over the United States to put faces and smiles with the email addresses and chat room nicknames they've been talking to for many many months.
The huge crowd smiled and hugged and screamed and laughed from about noon to 1:30. Fans from the rec.arts.disney.parks newsgroup and EntertainmentMUCK were part of the festivities. In fact, there were so many people enjoying each other's company in the walkway, that Cast Members said Security would be called if we continued to block (unintentionally) the passage way.
Meli Writes: When I got to the Fountainview area there were SO many people there! I immediately started scanning for familiar faces — gardenia, Debbie Wills, Andrea… I think the first person that came up to me was Big Brian. It was all pretty much a blur! I did find Debbie, who had all sorts of people around her.
The very first people I saw this year were 2 IRC friends — Pam Scrappy Kratz and BigBrian! Here's a photo of Big Brian and his wife, who were enjoying the view from the Fountainview Cafe when I arrived shortly before noon.
Next I saw Teresa Downer and her husband Bruce. Cool Cruise Sweatshirt Teresa has on, don't you think?
Teresa writes: " Hi Everyone,
Still boohooing about having to leave WDW, but wanted to express how wonderful it was to meet all of you in attendance. I don't think I was able to meet everyone, but Deb, Czar & Czarina, gardenia, Rich & Carol, Arlen & everyone else……Hope to meet again soon! Almost 4 months and counting until Magic sails!
Saturday's Mystery Guests were Eureka (the Czarina herself), Jim (the Czar) and Meli Emmons. gardenia and our Special Mystery Guest Karen "LadyLurker" Harland made a grand entrance as noon approached. While some folks knew about Eurkea, Jim and Meli; No one knew that Karen would be attending!
Karen Writes:
All of a sudden, the whole thing became
*real*…. we were zipping through Epcot, and I saw Cinderella doing a photo/greet thing. I SAW CINDERELLA!!!!! I *was* at WDW!!!!
After multiple hugs/kisses/cries of delight, I greeted Eureka, and Deb. I met and saw *so* many folks this weekend, I'm not even gonna try to think of them all. DcDeb, I had totally forgotten you were going to be there! Meeting you was so great! Aven, and Gene, it was so kewl to see you!
Meli remembers: gardenia, who told me to close my eyes (which I did) and then led my by the hand through the crowd. When she told me to open them I was facing none other than Karen Harland, Lady Lurker! I was I total shock! I looked at her face and then looked at her name tag just to make sure it was her!
Karens recalls: All of a sudden, I see Meli being led towards me, with her eyes closed. Suffice it to say, I rendered Meli *totally* speechless. I had money on her screaming "Karenella", but she was too surprised to do anything but gasp. It was good. *grin* Little did she know how close she was to knowing this secret on Friday…. but she wasn't at work when I called her!
Andrea, Paul and Holly McKenna left the Magic Kingdom around 11 to monorail over to Epcot. The trains were running slow and so they got to see all of us from above! Upon arriving, I told Andrea she had to meet the Mystery Guest….laughing, she said, I know it's Meli and Eureka…. and I laughed and said — Wait til you see WHO else is here! And we walked over to find Lady Lurker!
Karen adds: Then I met Andrea, again. And Paul, for the first time. Big hugs, and damn, it was good to see you, hon! And Lorna Annis from Niagara Falls was there too!! I *do* believe that Andrea was a tad surprised to see me….. *giggle*
You can follow the whole story in progression by continuing to read this page OR go to one of the following sections….
Table of Contents
Epcot Fountainview 12/6 Part I
Epcot Fountainview 12/6 Part II
Epcot Fountainview 12/6 Part III
Epcot Fountainview 12/6 Part IV – Highlights the Kosters
Epcot Fountainview 12/6 Part V
Epcot Fountainview 12/6 – List of Attendees – Part VI
Artist Point Dinner 12/6
Magic Kingdom Toad-In 12/7
Pleasure Island Meets
Tower of Terror Meet 12/7
Brown Derby Dinner 12/7 – Part I
Brown Derby Dinner 12/7 – Part II
Brown Derby Dinner 12/7 – List of Attendees – Part III
MVMCP 12/8